Getting back in--- deep

I created a few 3d prints. Both of these are just simple mounts for holding the power supply and the controller for the DC Pump. I'm still working on getting the designs onto Thingiverse.

Getting back in--- deep

Great job!
That's exactly what I want for the jebao rw- controllers. They are going to be mounted up in the canopy and I could TOTALLY see the sticky pads failing and the controller falling right in the tank.
Hey, if you'd ever consider it, I would def throw a few bucks your way to make me two.
No hard feelings if not.

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I'll get the designs up onto thingiverse, but I can't provide finished prints. I don't have direct access to a printer. I have to ask a coworker to print stuff for me, so I'd feel weird asking him to print something for someone else.
Oh. And the controller mount came out just a tad loose. you'll need to use a bit of mounting tape to hold the controller to the mount. It should be a lot sturdier than just the sticky tape alone as the mount will hold a majority of the weight. The sticky tape will just be used to keep it from sliding side to side inside the mount.

The powersupply mount should work pretty good. There's quite a bit of stress on one of the corners. My plan is to also use two cable ties screwed to the wood to help support a good chunk of the weight.
What type of 3D printer is being used? I really could make so many things for around the house, the aquarium, the bicycles...
One of the guys purchased an Up Mini 2 and brought it in to work, but I have a lot of coworkers with everything from full blown Makerbot's to home-built machines. I've been looking at getting the Geeetech Prusa i3 clone.
I had plans to get a bunch of the tank stuff done over the weekend, but ended up in bed with a stomach bug. I did manage to get the stand into the house. Here's to hoping this weekend is more productive. That chair is going to be a great viewing spot if you don't mind looking up into the lights. I'm going to put felt pads under the stand to keep from scratching the tile.

Finally some more progress.

Getting work done over the weekend fell through again as I ended up having to go out of town, but I got some good work done the last few evenings.

All the PVC has been painted and I have two coats of paint on the back of the tank. It looks like I should only need one more.

The stand is off of the rolling cart and I have most of the equipment re-installed into the bottom. I plan on lifting the tank onto the stand this weekend, then it's time to start filling it.

I still have to finis the canopy, but should get that done this weekend too.
Got so close

Got so close

I got so, so close to getting everything done this weekend that I was trying to do. My kids were surprisingly good on Saturday, so I was able to accomplish a lot. The wife watched the kids all day today, so I got a lot more done.

Unfortunately, I ran out of PVC glue and 2x6s, so I wasn't quite able to finish everything. I need to get 16 more feet of 2x6s so that I can make the spacers for the waste water storage, then I'm ready to start making water for the tank.

I was able to get the tank back onto the stand inside the house and got all the electronics and plumbing re-ran. I'll start putting the sand in the bottom tomorrow.

I also finished building the canopy and started painting it. I just need a few more coats to get it all finished.

I'm not sure what all I'll get done this week. The wife is out of town all week, so it's just me and the kids. Worst case, I have to wait until next Saturday to finish the rest of the build. I need to flush the two clean water storage containers, but then I'm ready to start making my water for the tank.

I was really wanting to get all the water storage finished this weekend and start making water tonight, but oh well.

It also looks like the tank isn't quite level front to back. Left to right is perfect, but it's a bit low on the front. I'll get some shims when I pick up more 2x6s and get the tank shimmed. I plan on doing that before I start putting the sand into the tank.

After putting the tank on the stand, the wife had quite the concerned look on her face. The aquarium looks significantly larger inside the house than what it did in the garage. It will definitely be the center of attention in the living room.



If anyone has been following my other threads, I started adding water to the storage containers and had leaks everywhere.

I put in a few forum posts about cleaning the tanks:

I also put in a post about the leaky containers:

After doing some more work today, it looks like the container issue might be resolved. We'll see if it holds through the night.

I also had one last post about evaporation rate:

I'm going to try to cram a 10 gallon tank into the stand and hope that that's all I need as fitting anything larger would mean no room for a CO2 tank for the future CA reactor.

I think I'm still on target to get some water into the tank this weekend, but I'm sure something will come up.
Guess who has opposable thumbs and forgot to clean their sand... Yup. This Guy.

Still need to finish the canopy, but the tank itself is done. I also got the under cabinet lighting installed in the stand. I realized quickly that I mounted the switch a little too close to the one for the power bar as I've already accidentally shut off all the pumps when I went to turn the lights off.


The kids are loving it.

Especially now that we have rock in it. My coworker has been keeping a bunch of live rock in his tank for me since February. Yesterday he brought it up to work for me so that I could finally take it home.

There's still one more large piece to go. The addition of the rock has finally started filtering out all the silt in the water column. By this afternoon most of the water will probably be clear.

I wish I was at home this morning when my daughter gets down stairs and you can actually finally see stuff in the tank. There's some aptasia, which while we know is harmful, she doesn't... To her it will just be something cool in the tank to look at. Hopefully she won't notice when I start killing it.
