Getting out of hobby for now.. Tank, SPS, Fish, Equipment FS


New member
I am graduating/moving in the not too distant future and decided to sell my setup since I wont be able to devote the time to a reef tank until I'm settled back down. Sorry for the bad pics in advance!

Full Tank Shots:


The aquarium:Oceanic Ultimate Reef Ready 70gal with the matching stand/canopy: asking $600 for it but it is negotiable. The silicone has some nicks but nothing major. About 3.5 years old.

Livestock for sale:
Yellow Tang - $20
Purple Pseudochromis - $5
Ocellaris Clownfish (2) - $15 each
Blue Chromis (2) - $5 each
Black/White Chromis - $5
Green Mandarin - $10
Blackbar Chromis - $5
Nassarius, Astraea, Turbo, & Cerith Snails (~25?) - $1 each
Red Scarlet Hermits (~10) - $2 each
Electric Blue Hermit - $5


Coral for sale:
1 Neon Green Confusa
2 Pink Lemonade
3 ORA Cali Tort
4 Green Slimer
5 Pink/Blue Milli
6 Purple(brown) Digi
7 Devils Armor Zoa
8 ORA Green Birdsnest
9 Tricolor Acro
10 Purple Stylo
11 Red Digi
12 24K Milli
13 Green Slimer
14 Teal Stag/Formosa
15 Tricolor Acro
16 20 Leagues Lokani
17 A. Samoensis
18 Yellow Stag
19 Birdsnest (hystrix?)
20 Green/Yellow ?
21 Yellow Tip Stylo
22 Idaho Grape
23 Tenius
24 Torch
25 Acan (red/white)

Since most of the coral is encrusted over the rock, I figure it is easier to just sell each rock. Fragging is certainly possible though...

Rock 1 - #1 --- $30
Rock 2 -#2,3 --- $25
Rock 3 - #4,5 --- $50
Rock 4 - #6 --- $20
Rock 5 - #7,8 --- $80
Rock 6 - #9,10,11,12,23 --- $100
Rock 7 - #13,14,15 --- $60
Rock 8 - #16,17 --- $75
Rock 9 - #18,19 --- $35
Rock 10 - #20 --- $25
Rock 11 - #21 --- $40
Coral #22 --- $10
Coral #24 --- $15
Coral #25 --- $15


Equipment for sale:
Sump Tank - 29 tall --- $10
Tunze 9010 DOC Skimmer --- $200
Eheim 1262 Pump --- $80
Marine Depot Refractometer --- $20
Vortech MP40 --- $375
SpectraPure Maxpure 60 GPD --- $125
Tom Aquatics Aqua-lifter --- $5
Kent Marine Hi-S TFC Membrane(new) --- $70
Titanium Ground Probe --- $5
IceCap 36" T5 VHO SLR Retrofit --- $425
DA Reefkeeper Elite NET (SL1 and PC4 added) --- $550
BRS Dosing Pumps (2) --- $70 each
ViaAqua 100W Titanium Heater (new) --- $20
IceCap Temperature Controlled Fans (2) --- $5 each

Serious inquiries about buying the complete setup are definitely encouraged and get priority. Obviously, all livestock/coral must go before any equipment. I've tried to price everything fair, but feel free to make offers if you think I priced something too steep.

I'm in State College.

The following livestock are available... I reduced the prices..

Yellow Tang - $10
Purple Pseudochromis - $2
Ocellaris Clownfish (2) - $10 each
Blue Chromis - $2
Black/White Chromis - $2
Blackbar Chromis - $2
Nassarius, Astraea, Turbo, & Cerith Snails (~25?) - $1 each
Red Scarlet Hermits (~10) - $1 each
Electric Blue Hermit - $2

I broke the tank down today, so now the equipment is up for sale. I'll wait one week to sell locally, then go to the main selling board.

The only fish that I haven't sold is a Yellow Tang. I'm willing to donate it to someones tank at this point, as I don't want to keep it in a rubbermaid container for any extended period of time.

Equipment for sale:

Oceanic Ultimate Reef Ready 70gal with the matching stand/canopy: asking a negotiable $500 for it. The silicone has some nicks but nothing major. About 3.5 years old.

Sump Tank - 29 tall --- $5
Tunze 9010 DOC Skimmer --- $200
Eheim 1262 Pump --- $80
Marine Depot Refractometer --- $20
Vortech MP40 --- $375
SpectraPure Maxpure 60 GPD --- $125
Kent Marine Hi-S TFC Membrane(new) --- $70
Tom Aquatics Aqua-lifter --- $5
IceCap 36" T5 VHO SLR Retrofit --- $425
DA Reefkeeper Elite NET (SL1 and PC4 added) --- $550
ViaAqua 100W Titanium Heater (new) --- $20
IceCap Temperature Controlled Fans (2) --- $5 each
Yellow Tang

Yellow Tang

If anyone local to my area is picking any equipment up let me know as i might be able to get a home for that tang, just dont have the time to drive out there
photon, I can come get that tang tonight if you need to get rid of it. I already have two yellows but I will throw yours in if needed.

Here is the updated list of equipment still available:

Oceanic Ultimate Reef Ready 70gal with the matching stand/canopy: asking a negotiable $500 for it. The silicone has some nicks but nothing major. About 3.5 years old.

Sump Tank - 29 tall --- $5
Tunze 9010 DOC Skimmer --- $150
Eheim 1262 Pump --- $80
Marine Depot Refractometer --- $20
Vortech MP40 --- $375
SpectraPure Maxpure 60 GPD --- $125
Kent Marine Hi-S TFC Membrane(new) --- $70
Tom Aquatics Aqua-lifter --- $5
IceCap 36" x6 T5 VHO SLR Retrofit --- $425
DA Reefkeeper Elite NET Package (w/ a SL1 and PC4 added) --- $550
ViaAqua 100W Titanium Heater (new) --- $20
If you'll seperate any of the DA reefkeeper items drop me a line, I'd take the extra sl1 and a pc4 or 2... That is if you'd ship to chicago area.

Updated list

-Oceanic 70gal w/ stand/canopy/sump --- $400 OBO
-Vortech MP40W --- $350
-IceCap 36" x6 T5 VHO SLR Retrofit (430 and 660 ballasts)--- $375
-ViaAqua 100W Titanium Heater (new) --- $20

-Oceanic 70gal w/ stand/canopy/sump --- $400
-Vortech MP40 --- $325
-IceCap 36" x6 T5 VHO SLR Retrofit (430 and 660 ballasts)--- $325
-ViaAqua 100W Titanium Heater (new) --- $20