Getting out of hobby for now.. Tank, SPS, Fish, Equipment FS

Just a quick update:

-Oceanic 70gal w/ stand/canopy/sump --- $400 --- OBO really looking to sell this soon
-Vortech MP40 --- $300
-IceCap 36" x6 T5 VHO SLR Retrofit (430 and 660 ballasts)--- $300

-Oceanic 70gal w/ stand/canopy/sump --- $300 OBO
-Vortech MP40 --- $275
-IceCap 36" x6 T5 VHO SLR Retrofit (430 and 660 ballasts)--- $250 OBO
MP40 is sold...

-Oceanic 70gal w/ stand/canopy/sump --- $300 OBO
-IceCap 36" x6 T5 VHO SLR Retrofit (430 and 660 ballasts)--- $250 OBO