Getting out of the hobby.


Premium Member
I'm very interested in getting out of the hobby. I have 2 tanks only 1 is saltwater, and due to a change in job and other life circumstances my maintenance on both has become shabby to poor at best. I'm looking for reasonable offers, but I can't deliver. Pick up in 18708 zip code. I'm not parting the systems out.


75G with Hair Algae and Cyanobacteria problems. Live Rock, HOB Refugium, Sump with Coralife 225 Skimmer, Dual 250W Metal Halide Fixture. 1 Clownfish, 1 Damsel, 1 Mandarin, Peppermint Shrimp and a Few Snails. Tank has been running since I started the hobby.


75G with Giant Danios, Aussie Rainbows and a Large Flying Fox Fish. All Live Plants (Java Fern and Coffefolia), Canister Filter and Power Compact Fixture.
