Getting Phosphate down


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Tank Details

Tank Details


I have a 180g with a relatively deep sand bed made up of oolytic sand, 3 250wt halides and 2 96w pcs., calcium reactor, chiller and protein skimmer, all in operation. The bulbs are 14K and I have been losing corals to bleaching - a huge bummer. I have just changed fifteen gal of H2O and will do another fifteen tomorrow. I have LPS and SPS with few fish and lots of inverts. I am in the midst of getting rid of LPS and trying to keep them separate cuz I like them.
Use RO/DI water; check TDS levels often, careful feeding...go light on flake foods,etc. and rinse frozen foods in RO/DI water before feeding, aggressive skimming, good flow in tank...enough to keep detrius in suspension, manual cleaning between rockwork to get at those hard to reach places, a clean up crew for those even harder to reach places, water changes, water changes, water changes...
disturbed the bed at all lately?.
bleaching could also be temp related.
check makeup water & new salt water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6553126#post6553126 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffyounggren
Hamilton's and they are seven months old. Hmmm

Unless you had a temp swing, this sounds like the most likely cause.