Getting problems resolved


New member
Why are people always airing their dirty laundry in public forums? I don't get it, If I don't like something, my fist action it to contact/talk to that person.

I had a problem with my PII when I first got it 2 years ago, was it something I had done unintentionally? Maybe but I was never able to reproduce it. When I contacted Michael, I was honest and there were no question asked, the PII was replaced in a flash. This to me is a proof that Michael put 110% effort in his products to support us (Matthias also), I know it may not always be easy for both sides when dealing with a issue but sometimes that effort is not always appreciated... it's really unfortunate.

Keep up the good work Michael, some of us really appreciate it :P
Many thanks for the very warm and welcomed support, we do try our best at all times.

Well until the new year thats me outta here :dance: if you have any upgrade questions or concerns, please email them to me at you will get no reply from posting on RC, sorry, it is now time to enjoy my 11 month old Daughter experiencing her first Christmas.

If I see anything of serious urgent nature here I will try and reply but these sorts of support issues should be emailed which is the correct path for any serious issue at any time.

I wish you all seasons greetings and thank you all for your great support this year and look forward to supporting you further in 2010.

I will leave you with these words (sound up)
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