Getting Rhodactis to split


New member
I'm a reef noob, just started getting some zoos and shrooms, and I got this awesome rhodactis a week ago. Its high in the tank, under 3 wpg pc lights (96w 10k/96w actinic). I have some filter feeders so the tank gets phytoplankton every other day also. How fast can I reasonably expect this shroom to grow and then split? I'm nervous about cutting, and I don't expect it to magically double overnight, but what else can I do to make it happy and want to grow more shrooms?

Bad pic, shroom is so pretty - its about 3 inches in diameter

Click here for rhodactis pic :P
u only have it for a week .. why dont u wait a little bit before it settles in your tank and acclimates to your water. give it about a month before you do anything to it. once your ready just cut right through the middle or if you're worried about that.. just cut a piece out it will heal trust me .. ive done it mad times.
I plan on leaving it alone for a few months to see if it splits on its own...I'm having a hard time finding any info on how fast they grow, although I know it very much depends on the conditions they're in.