Getting two crabs - acclimate together?


I'm picking up two anemone crabs. They may come in separate containers and I am not sure if they have been in the same tank prior.

Can I drip acclimate them together or should i wait for inyroduction to happen in tank?
I'm not experienced with those crabs however I drip acclimated two red banded coral shrimp that came from the same tank together and the result was not good. One attacked the other and although they both went in the DT the other was dead in hours. They were obviously putting up with each other in the LFS tank but keeping them in close confinement was too much for them to take.

I would personally acclimate them separately, put them in the DT well away from each other and let them take it from there.

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Since you're not sure if they came from the same tank, it's probably best to acclimate them separately. This is strictly from a water chemistry perspective.

I would let introduction happen in the tank once they're more comfortable. I have two anemone crabs (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai) that don't mind each other. One is smaller than the other, and I don't know if one is male and one is female, but they freely roam between the 7 carpet anemones in my tank.