GHL forum wish list thread


New member
I see GHL have removed their wish list thread at the GHL forum.
All previous wishes and when they were requested have been deleted.
Good on yah GHL.:deadhorse:
Yes read that!
However with no history on what has been requested previously and when, it makes it difficult to determine if a request has already been made for the problem/enhancement. Unless of course they want to get the same message from all the users?
Also there were a number of requests that should have been required fixes and not just an enhancement.
If they are not willing to fix a problem now, then this will only lead to migration of users to other systems.
All that has been done is to hide the process and discourage input.
They just don't want that new users and anybody see weaknesses and lack of their products. Hide rather than resolve...
Antipodes and itsmorefun, just to be clear:

your negative threads, most times full of polemic, accusations and without much useful content in an inappropriate and even aggresive tone, and your permanent attacking GHL and our products at every opportunity in the last weeks were the main reason for us to change how to handle "wishes"

it seems we were right reading your posts here seeing you to continue attack GHL

I am very sorry for the other users which posted many good ideas and with whom we had very useful and constructive discussions in the previous "customer's wishes" thread, but it is like so may times in the real life: a few can damage a lot
we just had no other choice to stop this time-consuming and reputation-damaging activity of some users

I wouldn't be surprised if this encourages some to increase their efforts trying to damage us even more, but we are not going to comment this any more.

To all others who would like to continue to give us good ideas and constructive criticism, here is what we orignally posted in our main support forum:

It turned out, that the previous method - publishing and discussing customer's wishes in a public forum - unfortunately also can cause some problems.
This let us decide to handle customer's wishes in the future in a different manner.

We closed the old section "customer's wishes", those wishes had been saved in the internal wishes database from GHL.

In the future we would like to get your wishes by email, please send your email to:
Please write briefly but clearly what you exactly wish, what product is affected, and if possible also how it could be implemented in an easy and efficient way in your opinion.

After checking the wish it will be transferred automatically to our database, if possible it will be fulfilled later.

Please note:
We gladly take your wishes, if practicable and making sense we try to fulfill it - our products grow with the customers needs and requirements.
GHL is trying to satisfy as many wishes as possible, but please understand there is no guarantee that a wish will be fulfilled.

We ask you for your understanding that it is not possible to give a feedback to the mentioned wishes due to large amount of them.
Antipodes and itsmorefun, just to be clear:

your negative threads, most times full of polemic, accusations and without much useful content in an inappropriate and even aggresive tone, and your permanent attacking GHL and our products at every opportunity in the last weeks were the main reason for us to change how to handle "wishes"

it seems we were right reading your posts here seeing you to continue attack GHL

Well it seems my efforts over the last few years in promoting the product and helping users on both this forum and the GHL forum have been wasted.
Thank you for your products to date, but I am done helping and I would appreciate if you could remove me from your forum database.
Antipodes and itsmorefun, just to be clear:

your negative threads, most times full of polemic, accusations and without much useful content in an inappropriate and even aggresive tone, and your permanent attacking GHL and our products at every opportunity in the last weeks were the main reason for us to change how to handle "wishes"

it seems we were right reading your posts here seeing you to continue attack GHL


I heard your message loud and clear.


Little disappointed to see the customer wishes disappear, but understand the reasoning behind.

I think if there was a bit better communication on what features were possible and what were in the works then it would helps matters.

Even the recent firmware release notes have been lacking any real useful information other than *bug fixes and minor enhancements*

Without knowing what has been fixed and what enhancements have been made then I think customers will start to feel like wishes and bug reports etc are being ignored.
To much talk and no action
Many requests have been around for two years and just get ignored in favour of new products,
Unsure how emailing requests is going to help, you will get many emailing the same requests and maybe a way for ghl to hide the lack of willingness to do anything.

I have checked the wish lists and I don't think there were that many and as mentioned not many of them have even been looked at by ghl.

No one expects that ghl can do all requests but it would be nice if you would explain why you can't do certain requests or does the profilux not have the capability ? I just have not seen many requests get done.
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Just woke up this morning to 200 emails as my water level is close to going below the sensor so it turns the alarm on and off as the alarm stops when it has the correct level and going again as it goes below the sensor.

This has been asked for many times to be fixed and can be done by putting in a maximum emails you get a day, however this is still not available to do.

So understandably it gets frustrating that things like this get ignored.
Just woke up this morning to 200 emails as my water level is close to going below the sensor so it turns the alarm on and off as the alarm stops when it has the correct level and going again as it goes below the sensor.

This has been asked for many times to be fixed and can be done by putting in a maximum emails you get a day, however this is still not available to do.

So understandably it gets frustrating that things like this get ignored.

Can you set some sort of hysteresis period where the alarm doesn't turn on until it's been solid for say 2 minutes?