feedback from a new mitras user...
Just wanted to let you know the light is sick!! I'm very pleased with the unit, and I'm running it on factory default setting, AND the tank has only been up since April 10, 2014, only 1 month old!
I started at 60% on high output and just yesterday got it up to100%, my Aussie SPS frags are loving it. Have a few Spathulata frags that are really doing well and a hot pink table frag holding strong. All corals have unbelievable polyp extension and are encrusting at the base after only 2 weeks in this tank.
Amazing LED Light, best on the market by far!!!
All frags are holding color and the cool part is that all the frags came from a local importer who still has the colonies under 400 watt Radiums, my fav MH bulb for SPS, and frag coloration is holding very true to the colonies and in some cases looking better. Especially the pieces with blue polyps. I love being able to compare frequently to see the differences.
Attached are some pics, lol please excuse my 1 month old algae bloom, although I think a lot of this is coming from the amount of food I'm giving these SPS, oyster feast, reef chili, various types of bacteria, fish poop...
The little green piece in front is green with blue polyps, looking awesome in person!