
New member
As most of you are aware we hold Macna as the key event of the year for the USA and this year is no different.

This year Todd from Cherry Corals will be hosting the event :) Todd will have eveything available on display including (we hope subject to customs) the PTC's and the stand alone dosers.

My presence was planned many months back, but as some of you are aware my wife is very pregnant with our first child and this week we have the MOST important scan and so I sadly have had to cancel my attendance, I know I know you were all lining up to beat me over the head with your list of whats held for the future, and I am truly sorry I cant be there, and hope EVERYONE understands the importance of being with my wife and finding out what the heck we are having (I say boy she say girl :lol: )

BUT - We have drafted in all the way from Germany Claude of Fauna Marin who we work very closely with in the tie up with the dosing capabilities of the GHL and the balling method. Claude will be there to answer not only your GHL questions when Todd is tied up but also any other questions you may have.

We hope to have a full report after next weekend, but please make sure if you can to drop by and give Todd all your support and also have the opportunity to meet one of the most important developers of Reef nutrients in Europe.

We hope you enjoy the event and look forward to your reviews :) of the GHL brand
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The MACNA show was a great success. A huge turnout visited us at our booth. We could hardly keep up!

Many thanks to Claude for flying from Germany to support, he was a great asset to explaining the balling method and the precision dosing provided by the Profilux dosers.

Thank goodness the next MACNA is a bit closer, 12 hours is a long time to be trapped in a car.
We are already planning next year, 3 stands!! one cherry one fauna and one GHL, I plan to bribe matthias in attending and I know claude will be there.

This year was a great test to see what people think of the brands in the short year we have been at the helm and Todd has been the mainstay of this. I think the results of Macna speak wanders in respect to how very kindly you the public have welcomed us.

looking forward to next year and already planning :)