Profilux Thunderstorm Configuration
Profilux Thunderstorm Configuration
Here is the "How-To" guide to configure a thunderstorm, starting with the lights.
Step One: Program your Simu's (Either Spot or bar)
First of all, you need to configure your Simu's to respond the way you want. In order to program a sSimu device you absolutely must have it connected to L1-2 or L3-4, other L ports do not carry the digital signal to the spots correctly for programming or lightning.
Program your Simu's one at a time if you want them to react differently (this means you can ojnly have ONE of them connected to the Profilux or they will both be programmed with the same options). You can only program one option at a time; IE: Either set the moonlight colour, OR the Lightning behavior. Then repeat the process to configure the opther option.
Step 2 - Define your Illumination Channels for Simu Control
Profilux Simus operate using 2 L port channels per device. The first L channel controls the intensity of the Blue and White LED's and the Second L channel controls the intensity of the red LED's. Lightning control is carried out via a digital signal brodcast on the L1-2 and L3-4 ports and does not need any configuring (just make sure your Simus are on L1-2 or L3-4).
You can operate 2 Simu's on a Single L port using a splitter and have the Lightning react differently as the digital signal is what tells the Simu to react the way it does (this is independant of the L port definition).
Here you can see how my L ports are configured. Ilumination 8 is configured to control the intensity of the Blue and White LED's, and Illumination 7 is for the Red (you can use any Illumination channel you want).
I have also programmed a third LED's bar for use with the Thunderstorm and other cosmetic lighting effects. It is defined on L7 as Illumination 6. This is a third party LED bar operating on 12V, grafted to a Profilux PropellerControl module to vary the input voltage (which in turn creates a pleasent dimming effect).
Step 3 - Configure your Illumination Channels
First I will start with the Moonlight strip I DIY'd.
Here you can see how I have it set to dim after a few hours of on time. This setting is usually overridden by the "Moon Phase" but I have the Dim curve set so I can still manually show off the lighting periodically.
Now we move on to the Simu's, we'll start with the RED LED's only.
The Red LED's are set to create a 2 Hour Sunrise and sunset effect. Currently I have them also controlled by MoonPhase to prevent the red's from overpowering hte Blue and White LED's. Toggling the Thunderstorm and Clouds effect allows for variable dimming during nighttime and thunderstorm events.
Now we move on to the Blue and White LED's.
As with the LED bar and the Red LED's These lights react to Clouds, Moon Phase and Thunderstorm for nice visual effects. These lights are set to be brighter then the LED bar to create some nice spotlighting effects on the rockwork.