Gigas! have them for cheaper price. I think there were a shipment of several hundred about 2 weeks ago to the US.
Minh Nguyen
Got my T. gigas from Clamsdirect

Got my T. gigas from Clamsdirect

I received 2 T. gigas from Clamsdirect today. :D One is 6 inch and one is 4 inch. Both are great looking clams. Another thumb up to Barry. I will post pictures later.:)
This is one of my gigas that I also received from clams direct and it looks so good. :D

Hope I can upload as I have tired twice and wouldn't work.

Nek said:
What is the Gigas' claim to fame??
While they are not the most colorful, they are very beautiful. They also get very large very fast. Very impressive centerpiece to any large tank.
Minh Nguyen
Minh is right again, they get very large. They can grow to more than a meter in length, and weigh in at over 400 pounds when full grown. The Gigas is the clam that has given the name Giant Clams of the world true meaning.

Please if you are thinking of getting a Gigas, make sure you realize how large they get, and that they are a very large creature.

Best of luck to all, Rob
Yes, please don't keep a Gigas in a 10 gallon! (Someone actually was going to do that on here! Remember?)
I keep my 16 inch gigas under a 400 watt MH 6,500k (I still think it is alittle bigger than Minh's!!!) I also keep two 4 inch gigas under 400 watt mh 20,000k and I keep 9 6 inch gigas under 400 watt 10,000ks. All are doing GREAT! But IMO you can kept a gigas under PCs and VHOs and feed them DTs.
gigas from Berry

gigas from Berry

Two gigas from Berry, one on top is 6 inch, with 4 inch gigas at the bottom. corcea clam is in the middle.
Nice Gigas, but Holy crap! Did you pay $129 for that?

Barry has those for like $89 and it looks like he marked he has a sale right now for 20% off on the Gigas.

I hope that came with free shipping or a big old kiss.

Gigas are really nice clams, though they aren't quite as colorful as some of the other types.

I have read some articles about people using these and hippopus for additional filtration in a sump...

But as minh said, they are quite impressive when they are larger centerpieces in your tank.
I don't know what Peter paid for his clams,but I paid exactly what Barry priced them at his site,well,you know the price and I wan't repeat that:p Seems like a very good price for a 5" clam that I got.
Zenya, I should have been a little more clear. I was talking about Terra Ferma that has the link for Aquatic Reflections, where the price listed is like $129 for a 5" gigas... That price is insane.
gigas pricing

gigas pricing

There is something very wrong with the pricing structure on the gigas clams. This is a food grade clam and like derasa , they are fast growers . There is no reason they should command such a steep price . The first gigas clams I saw for sale were in John Tullocks store, not known for discount pricing.The clams were at least 8 inches and were selling for around sixty dollars . Harbor used to get large ones from David Palmer in the Solomons at a very reasonable price. Can some one enlighten me as to why they now are so pricy.
Wow....a lot of people seem to have a problem with the price I paid! I have no problem paying $129 + tax (I'm in Ca). Firstly, I have been looking for a gigas for a long time, and if I had to pay more than 129 for it, I would have. Second, I didnt have to pay shipping as I live very near the place I got it from. Thirdly, I like to try and give business to locals whenever possible, especially this particular store as I have gotten most of my really nice stuff from it.

As far as gigas being expensive in general...go ahead and buy it somewhere else if you can find it cheaper. You wont. These clams are near extinct in nature, which does not matter, as you cannot legally collect them anywhere that they live anyways. They are food clams, and there are countries willing to pay a lot more for a fully grown gigas than we would pay for a smallish one, so the incentive to sell them to the aquarium market is low. To boot, the demand for gigas was never very high in the States anyways, so no one is really hot to bring them in, unless it is worth their while. After this batch, I think everyone that really wanted one will have one.

With that said, they are great clams for large tanks, and they definately aid in tank filtration.
Hi Terra Ferma,

It's about supply and demand, and I agree with your decision. If I waited, I would have gotten 20% discount from Clamsdirect. But I did not know - and no one did. I wanted one so I got two when they were first made available.

I love clams.