Glass replacement


New member
Does anyone know of some where I could take my tank to have a panel replaced? (180G) Woke up this morning to find the tank cracked and have empty...
From what I've read in the past, the tank would have to be completely rebuilt. Probably only cost effective if you do the work yourself, especially with how cheap used tanks go for these days.
It shouldn't have to be completely rebuilt, the whole thing will have to be completely resealed though (inner silicone bead). Which panel cracked?
It makes more sense to just reseal the whole thing. When you replace a panel you have to cut off the plastic braces on top and bottom and replace them. At that point you can cut your glass out and clean the seams, and replace the panel. While you're there, might as well just reseal the entire tank.
What's the cost of a new 180 or a slightly used one .....vs the time and labor and headache of trying to fix a potential failure its obviously a bad tank or its out of level or the stand is moving or settling I would start new and fresh and reinforce the stand.....