Betcha' there's also a few in there you don't have on the list
Tank looks great Glenn and grats on the magazine spread! Well deserved!
How it looked when i got it, and how it developed to this:thanks!
Fantastic shots! A tank to be very proud of and so glad you are sharing the images
I'm interested in what settings you take the photos with and any editing you do.
I have a canon slr and would love to replicate the colour you can see plus the huge depth of field.
I use the "P" setting for corals. With flash disabled. I also use the manual white balance shift and bracket function and manual focus for some shots.
For fish i use sport the settings.
Thank you for sharing all these beautifull fotos of your reeftank with us!
Amazing tank, very natural,:thumbsup: what is the size of the tank? if there is no introduction.