GlennF's 1500 liter mixed reef tank

montipora confusa, grown from a 2cm frag in 2 years time. already fragged a few times

history of the Montipora Confusa

19 feb 2012,

4 jun 2012, the first signs of PO4 depletion in my reef were visible

greetings, GlennF
this is my latest list of inverts:
purchase date / name:
30-12-11 Tubinaria Reniformis - yellow/brown
08-11-12 Acanthastrea echinata*- orange/green
08-11-12 Acanthastrea lordhowensis - orange/green
08-11-12 Acanthastrea lordhowensis - red/blue
06-08-12 Acropora Formosa - Blue
07-01-12 Acropora Formosa - Blue tip
29-11-11 Acropora Formosa - yelow/green
13-12-12 Acropora hycinthus - pink/green
17-03-12 Acropora Millepora -pink
17-03-12 Acropora mintgreen( specie unknown)
26-01-13 Acropora purple green
18-11-13 acropora purple/green (unknown)
17-03-12 Acropora purple/green (specie unknown)
26-01-13 Acropora Secale - purple
05-03-12 Acropora sunorsonoi
30-12-11 Acropora Valida - Deep Purple
17-03-12 Acropora Valida - deep purple
17-03-12 Acropora Valida - green/grey
13-12-12 Acropra Echinata - purplegreen
12-02-13 Acropra hyacinthus - green
13-11-12 Acropra Millepora - purple
13-12-12 Acropura - dark green
08-11-12 Amplexidiscus fenestrafer
01-01-2008 Anthelia sp. 02
07-02-13 Black Sponge
08-11-12 Blastumosa- orange
01-01-08 Briareum s.p01 fluo green
01-01-07 Briareum s.p02 mint green
08-11-12 Briareum sp. Green (unknown sub specie)
08-02-12 Brown Acro with blue tips (specie unknown)
01-01-05 Capnella imbricata
02-06-12 Caulastrea echinulata - green/brown
24-12-11 Caulastrea Furcata - Fluo green
12-05-12 Cerianthus filiformis
13-12-12 Cerianthus filiformis - Green/pink
12-05-12 Cerianthus filiformis - Green/purple
01-01-2006 Cladiella sp.01 dark brown
11-05-13 Clavularia viridis
08-03-14 Comanthus Comatula - green/blueish
03-10-13 Comanthus Comatula - yellow/black
12-05-12 Cycloseris tenuis - green
18-10-13 Cyphastrea - fluo green
05-03-12 deep green acro ( specie unknown)
01-01-11 Discosoma sp. 15 - green striped
01-01-11 Discosoma sp. 33 - red
01-01-11 Discosomas sp.04 - Marble green
01-01-11 Discosomas sp.12 - Blue/purple
01-01-2005 Discosomas sp.12 Green
06-08-12 Duncanopsammia Axifuga
08-11-12 Echinophyllia costata - orange/brown/green
08-11-12 Echinophyllia costata - orange/green
01-01-2008 Entacmaea - red anemone
10-12-11 Euphyllia Glabrescens - green/brown
17-12-11 Euphyllia Ancora - green/brown
07-01-12 Euphyllia divisa green/ brown
07-12-12 Euphyllia paraancora White/green
15-11-11 Euphyllia Paradivisa -green/brown
11-09-12 Favia - green/brown
Favia green/red
08-11-12 Favia sp. 01 - fluo green
08-11-12 Favia sp. 02 - green/brown
08-11-12 Favia Sp. Red/Green
08-11-12 Favia speciosa - red/green
25-02-12 Fungia - orange
18-10-13 Fungia - purple
12-05-12 Fungia seychellensis
08-11-12 Galaxea fascicularis
20-10-12 Goniopora - green
17-12-11 Goniopora lobata - red
08-02-12 Green Acro (specie unknown)
08-02-12 Green Acro with blue tips
25-02-12 Heliofungia actiniformis - green
01-01-10 Heliopora coerulea
17-12-11 Hydnophora grandis - green
05-03-12 Hydnopora Polisa
08-11-12 Lobohyllia orange/brown
01-01-07 Lobophytum sp. 01 yellow/brown
01-01-10 Lobophytum sp. 05 green/lightbrown
13-02-14 menella red with orange polyps
12-10-13 Menella red with yellow polyps
03-06-12 Merulina ampliata -green
08-02-12 Mint Blue Acro (specie unknown)
07-01-12 Montipora capricornis - green
01-01-11 Montipora Confusa - brown/green
15-09-13 Montipora Danea
12-02-13 Montipora Digitata - Blue
12-12-11 Montipora digitata - Green
07-01-12 Montipora Digitata - green
08-11-12 Montipora Digitata - grey/brown spotted
07-01-12 Montipora Digitata - orange
15-09-13 Montipora Digitata - orange spotted
15-09-13 Montipora Digitata - Purple
08-02-12 Montipora effusa
30-03-12 Montipora foliosa - Red
01-12-12 Montipora undata - green/blue
03-03-12 Nemenzophyllia turbida - fox coral
01-01-08 Neospongodes sp. - pink
01-02-11 Orange sponge
01-12-12 Oxypora cf. Lacera green/red
08-11-12 Oxypora greem/brown
16-01-12 Parazoanthus sp. 02 - yellow
17-03-12 Parazoanthus spp. - yellow polyps
06-08-12 Pavona Cactus - green
08-11-12 Pavona decussata - pink/brown
01-01-10 Phymanthus buitendijki
01-01-10 Pinnigorgia sp.
01-01-08 Plexaurella dichotoma
01-01-10 Plexaurella nutans
02-06-12 Pocillopora damicornis - full green
10-12-11 Pocillopora damicornis - pink
24-10-13 Porites attenuata
01-01-2007 Protopalythoa sp. 04 full green
01-01-2005 Protopalythoa sp. 05 green/brown
21-09-12 Pseudocolochirus Violaceus
08-11-12 Pseudocolochirus Violaceus
01-01-10 Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata
30-12-11 Red Anemone
01-01-11 Rhodactis indosinensis - Green
01-01-11 Rhodactis rhodostoma - Green
01-01-11 Rhodactis sp. 35 - green
01-01-11 Rhodactis sp.35 - deep green
11-09-12 Ricordea Florida - Orange
11-09-12 Ricordea Florida - Blue
11-09-12 Ricordea Florida - Orange/green
28-01-12 Ricordea floride - green
01-01-06 Ricordea Yuma - green
01-01-12 Ricordea yuma - metalic blue/grey
26-05-12 Ricordea Yuma - orange
01-01-12 Ricordea yuma - Purple
08-11-12 Rumphella sp
01-01-07 Sarcophyton sp. 05*
08-11-12 Sarcothelia edmondsoni
27-09-13 Scleronephthya - pink
25-09-13 Scolemia Australis "bleeding Apple"
08-11-12 Scolymia vitiensis - light green
08-11-12 Scolymia vitiensis - dark green
29-11-11 Seriatopora caliendrum - green
13-12-11 Seriatopora hystrix - pink/purple
13-12-12 Seriatopora hystrix - yellow/green
01-12-12 Sinularia asterolobata - yellow/green
01-01-07 Sinularia brassica
01-01-10 Sinularia flexibilis
01-01-2006 Sinularia mollis
03-11-12 Sinularia sp. 02 - yellow/green
15-09-13 Sinularia sp. 05 - fluo green/green
01-06-13 Sinularia sp. 09 - yelow/green
01-01-10 Sinularia sp. Green with Brown polyps
08-02-13 Stylopora pistillata - green
06-10-13 Stylopora pistillata - green2
14-09-13 Stylopora pistillata - pink
15-09-13 Stylopora pistillata - pink2
15-09-13 Stylopora pistillata - pink3
09-12-11 Stylopora pistillata - purple (sp.1)
15-09-13 Stylopora pistillata - purple 2
09-01-14 trachyphyllia - deep green
09-01-14 trachyphyllia - mint green
14-09-13 Tridacna Clamtridacna
19-10-13 Tubastraea faulkneri
08-11-12 Tubinaria Peltata
08-02-12 Tubinarie - green/purple
01-01-11 Tubipora musica
01-01-10 Xenia umbellata
17-12-11 yellow/green acropora - specie unknown
17-03-12 Zoanthus sp. 06 - green/green
05-03-12 Zoanthus sp. 08 - orange/brown/green
06-08-12 Zoanthus sp. 11 orange/blue/brown
11-09-12 Zoanthus sp. 41 green/pink/brown
13-12-12 Zoanthus sp. 44 - yellow/blue/brown
11-05-13 Zoanthus sp. Blue/orange/brown/orange
02-06-12 Zoanthus sp.07 - orange

total = 179 species
Betcha' there's also a few in there you don't have on the list :)

Tank looks great Glenn and grats on the magazine spread! Well deserved!
last week i moved my suncoral (tubastrea faulkneri) from the reef to my 50 Liter NPS column. Here i can can feed a higher concentration of food without completely ruining my water parameter in my reef tank.

it not as full on polyps as before, but still has all polyps intact


Fantastic shots! A tank to be very proud of and so glad you are sharing the images

I'm interested in what settings you take the photos with and any editing you do.

I have a canon slr and would love to replicate the colour you can see plus the huge depth of field.

Fantastic shots! A tank to be very proud of and so glad you are sharing the images

I'm interested in what settings you take the photos with and any editing you do.

I have a canon slr and would love to replicate the colour you can see plus the huge depth of field.



I use the "P" setting for corals. With flash disabled. I also use the manual white balance shift and bracket function and manual focus for some shots.

For fish i use sport the settings.
Amazing tank, very natural,:thumbsup: what is the size of the tank? if there is no introduction.
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Amazing tank, very natural,:thumbsup: what is the size of the tank? if there is no introduction.

I just let is grow, and do minimal maintenance and only frag when they cause problems.

Size: 250x80x70cm display, wh=59-60cm