Glued my yellow tang

I take Cars

New member
So ... I glued a frag to a new plug and this happens....
Do I catch him and pick it off or let him? Oh and he doesn't like being caught... I tried that first

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I would let it be. I imagine that would slough off in time. Maybe give it a few days and see. Handling it and forcing the situation may cause much undue stress when the problem would just take care of itself.
I would imagine the cyanoacrylate will shed off its skin in about 5-7 days just like dermabond does on humans. Probably even faster since it came in contact underwater and the affected area is under a lot of shear being he uses his mouth to poke at everything, if he's anything like my own yellow tang.
I had this happen a couple years back to my purple tang, didn't take a chance. I caught him and pulled it off, purple tangs cost to much to lose because of glue. Didn't know it would come off own its own. Btw, mine wasn't able to eat.

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I've seen a few threads about this. Most people suggest letting it be and it will come off in a week or so.

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