Going to Bonaire!


Premium Member
Well are house is in escrow. Once it sells we will have enough money for a trip, we were going to go to Belize, but changed our minds to Bonaire. Does anyone suggest any certain dive spots there?or have any pics? We are planning for August, should be good water temps.

Bonaire is where I go.... 7 times since being certified in '02.
I love that place.

What kind of diving do you like? Small stuff, big stuff? What are your experience levels?

A quick answer is...there are no bad dive sites in Bonaire, seriously. But with more info I can point you to some of the sites that may interest you more.

Well we lived in FL for 20 years and I've been certified for 9 years, whereas my wife finally got her certificatoin only a year and a half ago. I tend to try to see the larger stuff my wife tends to take forever with one rock. She has a knack for finding nudi's and other small creatures.

We don't care for caves, or swim throughs unless they are very large. Katy doesn't want to do huge walls/drop offs or too too deep without more people with us, for safety. I don't mind myself though, but she is probably correct. Rather play it safe then not.

We are going with Toucan diving, 2 boat dives a day, some night dives, and of course the the unlimited shore diving :D

Thanks for the info.
Well...there is alot to talk about here. For the best info on the net, I recommend www.bonairetalk.com They have a discussion area that covers everything from flights to the kinds of toilet paper on the island..hehe.

About the biggest thing you are going to see on Bonaire is Tarpon. Dolphins are often sighted, heck even a Whale Shark has been known to pass by on occasion..but your not gonna see that stuff. Turtles and some Stingrays..yes.

Your wife on the other hand will enjoy herslef to no end. Several macro subjects...you name it. Some of my best experiences there are above 30 feet in the shallows.

The majority of dive sites have a gradual slope down to a sandy bottom so controlling your depth is easier..no steep drop offs there.

check out that website..all the info you need is there.



It is a great diving place. I've never been to a bad dive site. One of my favorites is Angel City. It is a double reef with lots of rock. Swimming out, we usually see some squid. We have gone there 6 out of 8 years.

If you need pics or more info let me know. Have fun!! The weather should be great.
Angel City is awesome. Usually that is the first place we go after doing the checkout dive in front of the resort. The double reef is close enough in spots where you can drop down in between it and just glance side to side while over the sand.

UGH!!!! I really didnt want to think about that right now. :sigh: