Gomer's Elos Journal


New member
I'm not giving up on this forum :-D I'm going to cheat and C&P my journal post to here. Talked with my friend who is holding my coral and it will be shipped out here next week :-D

A new job in a new state. Lots of stuff happening, and in that chaos, a new elos setup.

Step 1: Find a generous soul to act guardian and caretaker to your coral collection while you relocate.
<img src="http://www.bareefers.org/home/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-194.jpg" alt="" />

Step 2: Frag everything (if possible) to a size that can be shipped at a future date and convert a cooler into a transport tank
<img src="http://i744.photobucket.com/albums/xx88/davehouser/joint%20project/cooler.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 3: Relocate all coral to a new home for a stay.
<img src="http://i744.photobucket.com/albums/xx88/davehouser/joint%20project/wb.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 4: Convert another cooler to a temp tank which will hold all your fish, inverts and some rock for a couple weeks
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/IMG_2207.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 5: empty out all remaining rock/sand from a tank that has been neglected severely for a month
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/IMG_2206.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 6: get elo 70 delivered (movers will move it to NM)
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/IMG_2209.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 7: Take your wife and fish on a road trip (ok...it was more of a lets just get there trip so no exciting pics)

Step 8: Moving company unloads everything then I start unpacking crate (btw, nice job on crating Jesse!)
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/uncratingtank.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 9: Rockscape fun
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/eloswithrock2.jpg" width="600" alt="" />
additional pic

Step 10: Get sump situated with tons of stuff without looking like a total nightmare (still got more to add including ATO and dosing jugs)
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/sump.jpg" width="600" alt="" />

Step 11: Add water...let things settle a while...move fish from septic cooler to tank..turn on lights to test out....sit back and relax
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/tankwithwater.jpg" width="600" alt="" />
additional pic
Posted elsewhere, but I might as well keep it here where appropriate.
Updated pics of coral...soon to be back in the tank :-D


Ignore the SPS brown out...LED's and SPS don't mix, or so is my experience :p

sexy aiptasia!
Thanks for your bravery, Gomer. You are encouraging me to more frequent this forum. Perhaps it will regain its former glory.

Did you say you now live in Santa Fe?
Glad to here! If we get even just a small, but good and active group back, I'll be happy.
I'm out in Santa Fe. In a couple days, it will be for 2 whole months lol.
Gomer - Tanks is looking awesome!! :thumbsup: What light are you using? Looks like you have some nice toys too! :)

Thanks Jay :)

Sorry, but I missed this post till now.

I'm using an Elos Planet 2 fixture. I picked it up used (really good condition) at a fraction of the new price...too expensive otherwise lol. Still debating if I want to canibalize my LED fixture and turn this one into MH/LED/T5 light :-D
It's been a little bit. I replaced the bulbs with the intention of more "pop".
14k phoenix, 2x blue plus, 1x actinic plus, 1x purple plus (looks like a fiji pink/pro color).

Since my SPS are still blaaah (there is still hope that half of them will make it lol), I thought I'd do some pics of the LPS. ..and to distract myself, I did top down shots with the phoenix off lol. Yes, The tank strangely doesn't look super blue (but quite blue), and that might be because of the purple-plus bulb.

Here are some eye candy shots lol.



I am drooling over those. Sorry to hear your sps in not doing well yet. How do you get such bright vibrant colors? What sort of lights? Do you dose or feed anything speciific for corals?

SPS will come along. If not, I'll get some more.

Those shots were done with top down shots and color enhancing bulbs. The colors are real, but with normal lighting (the MH on) and front shots, they aren't as vibrant (99% of the super vibrant photos you see are done like this). I The ATI Blue-Plus bulbs do bring a lot of pop to your tank if you have t5's
Gomer, where did you get that frag shelf? I've seen others like that but they have all been DIY. I want to try something like it but I want a clean looking one since it will go in the display. Thanks.

Coral arrived last week and everything is settling in temporary locations.
I think I'll pop SPS off plugs and arrange everything this weekend.

The green plate decided to turn into a balloon for the photo :-D
(click if you want a giant size image)
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b248/BeyondGomer/Elos%2070%20Journal/eloswithcoral.jpg" width="600" alt="" />
Those are from Jason at http://www.frag-a-rack.com/
He was a hobbyist from my old area who turned an idea into a small business.
I got a couple of them :-D Works just fine unless you have really thick glass/acrylic, and then you can just get his booster magnets.
Tank is now starting to stablize. I'm sure it would have been a lot faster if I didn't have to basically fully stock right away. LPS are all still happy and several have had a lot of growth. SPS stopped dying and am starting to see some growth in some, and stasis in others.

Still have a fair bit of algae, but it is slowly declining and am on the later stages as far as species goes.

I probably shouldn't have, but I wanted them, so I got some more coral lol.
I guess I need some new pics up.

Well-Done, like the journal, I am going to try and do the same. Hope that’s cool with you, I think it would be nice if more of us high-desert reefer would post tank progress.
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well, the swap reminded me I need to update this thread! I'll see about a pic within a couple days.

Algae is a nightmare, although my lawnmower blenny + BP's seem to have made a noticable impact (from algae levels of biblical proportions to horribly bad :-D). I'll be moving again soon, so I'm thinking of re-doing with some new rock (I got a large stockpile).

SPS...pretty much all gone. LPS, mainly doing perfectly fine. I do have some chalices and favia that are persistently faded (mia's pot of gold, babys breath, miami hurricane and others). Possibly magnesium. need to check to see since I haven't tested it in a while. Growth is good, just not color.
nice tony and yes im not giving up on the reef club yet either. we definitely gotta push this thing along more and whats up with ya moving again?
Still here, but moving out of a rental place and into one of my own (well, mine when the keys are in my hand lol)