Documented this on the other board a bit, but wanted to post it here.
Here are the particulars:
I am not saying that this is a cure, only that it looks very promising so far. His tank appears to be cured at the moment.
There are some variable here that need mentioned. I observed this on a tank that I help a special needs man with maintenance and other stuff. He is not very disciplined, which is why he had a massive infestation. He said that he stopped adding stuff back in fall - I do believe him, but there is no way to know for sure. He is religious about dosing and checking things, so I even though I did not dose the tank, I believe that it got done every day. with this what you will. Good luck to all with these nasty basturds.
Here are the particulars:
- Double dose of Zeovit Flatworm Stop
- Will NOT kill the worms - but does appear to interrupt their ability to reproduce
- After about a month, coral health is up, eggs and worms are down
- After about three months, worms present and no new eggs to be seen
- After about six months, no worms or eggs in the tank
- No issues with any other tank inhabitant
I am not saying that this is a cure, only that it looks very promising so far. His tank appears to be cured at the moment.
There are some variable here that need mentioned. I observed this on a tank that I help a special needs man with maintenance and other stuff. He is not very disciplined, which is why he had a massive infestation. He said that he stopped adding stuff back in fall - I do believe him, but there is no way to know for sure. He is religious about dosing and checking things, so I even though I did not dose the tank, I believe that it got done every day. with this what you will. Good luck to all with these nasty basturds.