good home for fish


New member
hello my fellow aquarium addicts,

I have a pair of pajama cardinals up for grabs. you must have a good established tank with at least 10 yrs in the bis. i want you to be one of those old timers who had lots of knowledge and a kick *** tank.

one of the cardinals id injured. the other fish have been picking on him. they are in isolation mean while. they are good fish and beautiful as well. I hope I can find someone who is willing to keep me updated with their progress. thanks guys........
I will take them off your hands. I was going to get a few for my frag tank. I only have 2 years in the hobby and worked at a LFS for 8 months...

Let me know because I will give them a good home.


I would trust Matt to give them a good home. I would take them myself as I've been very seriously considering getting some for my 120, but there's too much flow, and I really need to cut back on my fishload in the tank. I would stick them in the 24, but I'm selling it, so they wouldn't be there for long.

I hope they find a good home :)
I've got 3 of them that are about 4 years old now.
They are some beautiful fish and have been extremely hardy thru several tank moves.

I would take them but I'm definitely overloaded on my main tank right now and wouldn't want to keep them separate from my own little school.
Unless you're not willing to budge on your 10yr requirement, I agree with Eric and would also trust Matthew to give them a good home.

Just my 2¢, but if it was one of my babies, I would let it completely heal from its injuries before putting it thru the stress of a move.
Either way, best of luck on finding them a new home.


Let me know, very interested.


Hey Ghst Ridr, I have dine this b4 to catch some angels in my tank. I putting some food in a net, then leave the net in the tank w out allowing the food to get out, and just leave it there. sooner or later fish will start swimming in there, once the right fish swims in, pull the net w the fish out. and repeat the process.