Good non-SPS for an SPS tank


Active member
I currently have limited luck with SPS and have 2 reef tanks with a mix of mostly leathers and LPS. I am replacing a T5 330 on my display tank with 2x250 DE AB 20ks, am plan to make my display tank more of an SPS tank / reef flat and my other tank more of a lagoon.

I am not going to move everything that doesn't belong in my display out immediately - I don't want an empty tank. And I am not sure I want a tank that is just SPS anyway.

What should I leave mixed with my SPS? Here are some large things I have:
Green Sinularia
Devil's finger

I am both interested in practical issues, as well as creating a more natural environment.
My tank is mostly zoanthids and SPS. I have some Euphyllia SPS in there too (Frogspawn, Torches, Hammers, etc).

Definately no leathers unless you run a LOT of carbon, IMO.
If you have a Sarcophyton elegans they love the params, water movement and high light in an sps tank IME. Never had any problems with mine but I run carbon. I have more problems with things adjacent to my frogspawns when they get big but I can't find it in my heart to get rid of those either. Zoanthids also seem to well in sps tanks but be aware of the spreading issues.
hth, Chris
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6835363#post6835363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltman1
WHat is the matter with finger leathers or devils hand in an sps just curious??

Leathers in general put out a lot of toxins. Unless you run a lot of carbon to remove these, it will inhibit coral growth/color.
I would go with the zoos & mushrooms ... and if you had some gorgornians that would be nice ...

LPS - cynarinas, lobos, acans, blastos, candy canes, fungia .... these would be fine too.

I would not add frog spawns, hammers and related as they tend to grow too fast ...
I have acan lords , acan subs, blasto merliti, blasto wellis, echnos, oxypora and had frogspawn at one time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6835363#post6835363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltman1
WHat is the matter with finger leathers or devils hand in an sps just curious??
Acording to Eric Borneman, Sinularia is acutely detrimental to some species of acropora (A. formosa and Porites)

I know because I just yanked a very large Sinularia from my tank as I am adding several new acro frags tomorrow. The SPS I have now are doing okay, but not great. I am hoping this helps.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6835417#post6835417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xtrstangx
Leathers in general put out a lot of toxins. Unless you run a lot of carbon to remove these, it will inhibit coral growth/color.

You're kidding! I didn't know that.
i have been also wondering the same thing i currently have my 100g up and running but im switching over to my 180 very soon which i wana focus more on sps corals...

? i currently have a nice sized colt coral and a yellow devils finger i always run carbon is there realy guna be a problem having these in my new tank??

ive seen others that have nice sized toadstools and such with sps... i didnt really wana get rid of these 2 corals since ive had them a long time and they are nice and grown out

what u guys think?

i run carbon and have seen some great tanks with leathers and sps. I have a few leathers, a yellow sarcophyton and a devil's finger? in a tank with a lot of acros and i change the carbon once a month or so. I am getting good growth and color, but maybe it could be better. I have meant to experiment with my carbon replacement frequency, say change it every 4 weeks, then switch to 3, see if growth/color improves, if it does after a few months try 2 weeks. And this certainly would not be a reliable test, as many other factors contribute to the health/growth/color of corals. I don't think there is really a right answer, as your species of leather(which at times can be difficutl to identify to genus) may not affect any of the sps's you have in your tank. Or it may affect them all. The only certain solution is to have two tanks.