Gorgonian advice needed


New member
Hey, I just got what I was told to be a photosynthetic gorgonian.

I am having placement issues though. The only place I have for it is anchored in the sand. I am really having trouble keeping it standing how I want it. I have pretty high flow and it catches the current really well.
What is a good method of anchoring this thing?

Also, any other care tips are recommended.
Take a razor blade and remove about 1/4" of tissue from the bottom of the stalk leaving just the hard core. Glue this into a small hole in a piece of rubble or small rock, Then put it where you want it. (In a lower / moderate flow area would be best)
Allot of flow in a BB sps tank is allot different than allot of flow in a softie DSB tank.

I have mine in relatively low flow. So the branches sway a little.

Do what David suggested, then put it in a place where the branches sway back and forth slightly.

The brown photosynthetic ones are easy. I used to just stick the base in a rock hole with superglue gel and they would take off from there. IME

You're going to have to anchor it to something, either a rock on the sand or a rock on the reef.

**IME sticking the base in the sand leads to tissue rot eventually. Not sure why it's different than rock but I never had good results in the sand (LFS experience)**
**IME sticking the base in the sand leads to tissue rot eventually. Not sure why it's different than rock but I never had good results in the sand (LFS experience)**

True IME. Scraping 1/4" of tissue away and gluing the now exposed hard skeliton into a rock is the only way to go.
