Gorgonian/Caribbean SCMAS Group Buy


Active member
SCMAS in conjunction with KP Aquatics will be organizing a group buy for all livestock carried by KP Aquatics. KP Aquatics specializes in Gorgonians, fish, corals, invertebrates and clean up crew members found in the Caribbean, many rarely seen here in Southern California fish stores. By participating in the group buy shipping is free, but you must pick up all orders at the April 15th SCMAS meeting, NO Exceptions! All items not picked up at the meeting will be added to our monthly raffle. Orders need to be placed between March 14th and April 4th to qualify for the group buy. Use the coupon code scmas and also indicate SCMAS Group Buy in the notes. Items must be prepaid with either a credit card or via PayPal. The items will be shipped overnight for Friday delivery and will be brought to our club meeting in Santa Ana for distribution. We will coordinate with KP Aquatics to ensure all items are clearly marked by each buyer in separate packages , which will be combined into one large shipment. More information will be provided later on this week at our regular monthly meeting. KP Aquatics website is updated often , so if you do not see what you want now, it might show up later. SCMAS will also be including many types of gorgonians in our monthly raffle as well. Participants will be paying for their items directly to KP Aquatics. http://www.kpaquatics.com/

If you plan to participate, please post what your ordered to allow us to keep track of everything with KP Aquatics on the Reef Central website http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/sh....php?t=2568143 under the "SCMAS Gorgonian Group Buy" thread. You have from now until April 4th to make your purchase. You must state your are part of the SCMAS group buy to clearly indentify that your order will be included in our club shipment, The benefit is to avoid all shipping cost for you
Here is the link to the KP website: http://www.kpaquatics.com/
I talked with Philipp of KP Aquatics yesterday, they were having some issues with their website. If you had issues selecting a particular size of coral when their was an option, the website would not accept the size you picked. It seems this is not an issue if you are using a mobile device, only a desktop system, so if you couldn't make the selection with your desktop try to use a mobile device. Either way they hope to have the issue resolved today.
Sorry for the incontinence,
Do you have to be a member to participate, or can chumps like me get in?

And just to clarify, you can order other stuff besides just gorgs?

Anyhow, thanks for organizing. I have ordered direct B4 and it is great stuff at great prices. You just have to make a large order or shipping kills it. This solves that problem!!
You can order anything off the website and get free shipping! We are encouraging chumps like you to join the club (there are a lot of benefits including free admission to Reef A Palooza which would cost you the same as membership), but we will allow non-members to participate in the group buy, just remember that you MUST attend the April 15th SCMAS meeting to pick up your corals/fish..., anything not claimed by the end of the meeting will be added to our monthly raffle and you will be out the cost of your purchase.
I placed an order today, the website runs much better using Internet Explorer, I had difficulties placing the order using Mozilla Fire fox.
I would be happy to join the club. Membership fee not an issue- I am sure it goes for good. The only reason I never did before was because I don't think I can make it to many meetings.

So as long as that is OK- how do I join?
You do not need to be a member to place an order in the group buy, but you do need to pick up your purchases at the April meeting.

Way back in the day when I was a kid trying my hand at reefing I remember getting a lot of good information from you, and marveling at your tank and frag tank (this was like 2004/5 ish).. I didn't realize you were still around until I saw you in a video for RAP with MarineDepot.. You guys really got this club humming, even compared to 10 years ago!

You may not *have* to be a member of SCMAS, but from the snapshot I had back in the day vs Now? You all probably should be..

Definitely will make a group meeting -- When I'm not neck deep in study.