got a couple problems please help


New member
if you can

one of my snail ran over a piece of monti cap i had on the sand and the corner got covered in sand now it is white cuz i guess i didn't see it for a few days will it grow back or is it dead

and two
my baby hippo tang about an inch or so long keeps getting stuck to the overflow and i have to keep turning off the pump to get him unstuck he has tons of rocks and corals to hide in and plenty or room to swim what is the problem?
its not to much for the tank he is temporarily in my nano and the pump is the stock one i have not upgraded it and a monti cap is a montipora capricornus i think i splelled that right its a shelfing montipora
If your tank/water quality are good it will re-encrust as long as algae does not get there first. Even if algae gets there first it should re-encrust, Monti's are mostly tough as nails.
well guy the hippo died this afternoon i tested the water and all levels looked fine just can not figure out why he died please help with any clues
The fact that the hippo was drifting in the water and therefore getting stuck was because he wasn't doing well, not the other way around. Baby hippos are notorious for a high mortality rate, whether genetic or just generally fragile. It may be heredity and not your fault. I'd wait to get a tang until you have your big tank set up.
The montipora---they're hardy. Mine gets sand spat on it now and again and I just shake it off and reset it. Get some IC-gel and glue your montipora's back at a slight slant to a bit of old rock or coral from your lfs, set it back on the sand, and that will keep it from getting sanded over. They're fun, and once they take off will grow into a sort of a cabbage form, even bending what you thought was solid coral.
You need to post your water parameters if anyone here is going to be able to give you any clue as to what was the cause of the fish death. Also, how long have you had it, any recent changes to your tank or maintenance procedures? Was any other fish picking on him??

i only have a green mandarin and he wasn't i bought him about a week ago and he was eating fine actually pretty vigorously