Hypo and TTM are two different treatments.
TTM is more effective but having to treat as many fish as you have it's going to be a huge pain. Since you don't have any corals I would just pull the display down to 1.009 over a 48hour period. No more no less. Keep it there until you see the last sign of the parasite and after that continue for a full 4 weeks.
After 4 weeks, slowly bring the salinity back up to normal over 48hours or longer using salt in the top off water. 48hours minimum.
Then done. Unless the cysts have dove under the sand bed and survived, you should be free and clear.
If the diseases persists you will have to likely do TTM on each individual fish.
I run Bare bottom. also would be it ok to just pull out my live rock and keep that live in a brute for a for full fallow period of 72 days then put it back in the tank?