Got my 1st mushroom! ID PLZ


New member
Here it is....


I got it for about 50 bucks and its looking weird in my tank now. When I got it, the colors were blue and brown i think.
Um... well no... but yes in a way. They are "speckled mushrooms" but that is not the real name. Have a closer picture?
Re: Got my 1st mushroom! ID PLZ

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6923948#post6923948 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ek9vboi
I got it for about 50 bucks and its looking weird in my tank now. When I got it, the colors were blue and brown i think.

Great first mushroom find! Colors look different under different lighting. And maybe its me, but in that last pic, they look blue and purple, not brown. Anyway, make sure you keep your salinity in line, mushrooms don't like high salinity at all.
Re: Re: Got my 1st mushroom! ID PLZ

Re: Re: Got my 1st mushroom! ID PLZ

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6941997#post6941997 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrs.kbmdale
Great first mushroom find! Colors look different under different lighting. And maybe its me, but in that last pic, they look blue and purple, not brown. Anyway, make sure you keep your salinity in line, mushrooms don't like high salinity at all.

Whats the correct salinity it should be at?
Your salinity should be at/around 1.024-1.025. If you don't have an auto top off system, then 1.024 would be a good level, that way, when evap happens, your salinity won't rise too bad. What are your other water parameters looking like??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6943966#post6943966 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrs.kbmdale
Your salinity should be at/around 1.024-1.025. If you don't have an auto top off system, then 1.024 would be a good level, that way, when evap happens, your salinity won't rise too bad. What are your other water parameters looking like??

according to the LFS, everything is perfect. i was looking into a testing kit, so if anyone has a good kit let me know. thanks!