Got My EcoSystem Up and Running!

Hey Pedro...that's what they call a "Hulk Alien Eyes"...I believe. It's kindof a purpleish color with bright green edge and "eyes" here and there. I think it's actually a type of chalice coral or Echinophyllia sp. I got it as a tiny broken piece and now it's looking super happy since the introduction of the EcoSystem. The flesh is looking much puffier and it looks as though it will grow much faster now.
And MikeD...I decided to go with the EcoSystem because it was turnkey...all I had to do was add Chaetomorpha. It looks as though the AquaFuge comes with a powerhead and that's it. You have to add mud/sand and a light to have the full setup. I also like that the EcoSystem has the separate chambers before and after the fuge and comes with the bio balls and some mechanical filtration also. I think that dollar for dollar, it's definitely a better deal.
I see! yes, all the additions do make a difference. Did you have to cycle your mud for 6 or 8 weeks (I think that's what they ask for in directions). Just wondering.

Actually on a mature tank, they say there should be little if no "cycling." Most of the instructions I read refer to a new tank, which obviously would be put into a cycle.