Marvin was kind enough to come by with his power meter so we now have par numbers on the t5 LEDs by themselves. At the water line with the fixture 12 inches above the PAR was 120 to 125. 6 inches below the waterline 95 - 100 12 inches under the water line 82 - 85 and on the sand bed 79. With all of my lights on my par was 550 at the waterline and about 300 on the sandbed. My conclusion is that the LEDs are clearly supplemental lighting and do not have a lot of penetration into the tank the way my fixture is set up. I guess if you had your fix your six inches above the waterline you would get 100 to 125 par on the sand. I was worried that the LEDs were providing too much light if I left them on all day as I do so now I have no concerns