Gracilaria sp. and unknown red algae

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I've got a nice piece of LR that's got 2 red algae forms growing in close proximity out of the rock directly. Fairly certain the first is Gracilaria sp., no clue about the 2nd.

My question is: The gracilaria is getting HUGE. It's been only a month tops and the stuff has gone from little stalks to a huge clump! I really like the way it looks, but I'm concerned about the nutrients. I'm assuming I can cut it back as desired. Is that true? Any negative effects there?

Are there any fish that eat it?

Too much growth?
Prune off excess and rinse, then you can either dry and then boil it into gelatin with some fertilizer for indoor planting purposes (non-soil), dry and then boil it wth sugar and fruit flavor to make edible gelatin, or chop up and use as fertilizer in the yard.

If you're feeling queasy about pruning, try it on one branch/axis first and wait a couple of days to see what effect it'll have.


Never got to see your pics
They take forever to load: too big and my 'puter's to slow :D