Grand Cayman Dive Photo's


New member
I am at my hotel in Grand Cayman uploading my pictures from my sd card, but when i try and upload them to photobucket so i can post them on here it keeps failing to upload. I think it is due to the slow wifi connection. So i still wanted to post the pics, and then i decided to upload them to youtube and post the video link here.

This is my first time using my camera underwater and so far i have been very pleased with the results.

PS: Watch the video in HD for the best picture clarity. I cannot stress this enough!
how long are you staying down there? is the camera yours or a rental? i was going to rent a nice underwater camera but waiting to long and next day airing it is way too much! and to buy a case for the T2i is outrageous to only use it twice or so a year
Wow, just amazing pictures! Made me feel like i was actually diving with you! Would love just to experience something like that
torino, i own the camera and i am staying for 8 days.

PGHReefer, thank you so much.

Today i dove without the camera so no new pics unfortunately. There is nothing wrong with the camera, i just felt like doing a dive just to dive. Not to focus on just things that would make a good photo subject, but to enjoy the dive as a whole.
Im sorry i haven't been able to upload the pictures to here until now. I hope this makes the pictures easier to access.

So here they are









Thank you so much for all your compliments. I am very happy with the results. What i am most excited about though is that my parents are putting these on canvas for my 18th birthday. If any of you guys ever want any pictures on canvas, RITZ camera is great. For the month of august every order you do with them is 50% off. So i got them put on 8X10 canvas which are originally $30 but during august i got them for $15 which i thought was a pretty sweet deal.
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great shots. i have an old sea and sea 35 mm camera but dont get nearly the quality shots you are getting. there was a place in florida that specializes in developing under water film but last time i checked they were very expensive. hope you keep getting to swim with the fishes and photograph them
Thank you all for your kind words and praise. I am very pleased with the results because its my first time using the camera. I hope to become more comfortable with the camera and continue to learn, dive, and enjoy life.
So i took another look at my photos from the caymans. Not much to do when you are home alone with food poisoning. I discovered that i had a few more decent photos.
So here they are....

Butterflyfish pair

French Angelfish



Peekaboo Queen Angelfish



Turtle and Grey Angelfish

Hope you enjoy them!
Nice Pics James. I just upgraded and now shoot with a Canon S-90 and Ike-lite strobe. What strobe set-up are you using? I am heading to Grand Cayman next week for a week of diving. Wondering where you dove and what dive op you went with? I'll be staying on the East End and diving with Ocean Frontiers.

Hey john. I dove stayed on the west end at the westin casuarina on seven mile beach. The resort has an onsite dive resort, red sail sports so i dove with them. I would HIGHLY recommend the north wall.

Have fun and happy diving!