great barrier reef almost dead by 2050

I am not trying to belittle this article in the least. I truly beleive that a lot of the world's oceans are changing and are in trouble. Man has significantly changed this planet's natural evolution. But I also beleive that we need to take some of these articles with a grain of salt. I remember watching a TV show 12-15 years ago saying that with global warming going the way it was, that Florida would be under water all the way up to Orlando by 2050. The show was complete with animations showing the rise of water. Bye-bye Disney World. I don't know that Florida's coast line has changed that dramatically in the years since. Miami is still there. The show showed other areas of the world where global warming would affect regions similarly. Some of these predictions can/might come true, but some are also exagerated.
As for global warming.When I was at Hamilton Island (near great barrier reef) my father-in-law showed me huge brain & coral bomies that were a big walk up a hill,Wonder how they got there.Also in western Australia they have found coral bomies miles inland.:eek:
i dont think we have much to worry about, ever heard how earth changes every 7 years? one seven years the temp drops the other it rises, and it changes alot. im not saying that thats whats happening or that the articles wrong, but i do think that life will find a way.

as much as we try i dont think us humans could seriously damage the worlds ecosystem.

even that said the one thing i beleive that is damaging the enviroment is pollution, not global warming or cooling whatever bleeding hearts want to call it.
I think that you are incredibly naive to think that humans can't and aren't damaging the worlds ecosystem. And why do you think global warming is happening? Its from pollution.
i mean no offence but i dont think global warming s really happening, pollution on the other hand is and can be proven.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15021584#post15021584 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ricky92
i mean no offence but i dont think global warming s really happening, pollution on the other hand is and can be proven.

The planet has warmed 0.7 degrees. Fact.

Every major scientific institution around the world is in agreement that humans have caused most of the warming by deforestation and dramaticly raising atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases like co2 by burning fossil fuels.

The evidence to support the decades of research is huge. Theres mountains of it.

We will see between 1.1 and 6 degrees C more warming by the end of the century.

The 0.7 degrees we have experienced already is having major effects to the planet and ecosystems. Take the Arctic ice cap for example which melts more and more each year. They say it could well be completley ice free during the summer months by 2020.

To add to raising temperatures, corals also face another huge problem. Ocean acidification. The oceans have been mopping up our co2 emmisions for years, this is now lowering the oceans ph. This makes it harder and harder for marine animals like corals & snails to calcify.

A recent study by AIMS (austrlian institute for marine science) concluded that the great barrier reef is already loosing 10% of growth and this is from acidification, and it could well loose it all nett growth by 2050.

We need to accept what we are doing, make whatever changes we can. And ask our governments to make the right decisions for future generations.
yes the evidence is pretty conclusive that some degree of human caused warming has been and is still being caused... not too much to debate there ricky92
everything you said is true to some degree, but take into consideration, scientist have found that earths climate changges in 14 year periods broken up into two shifts, one 7 year period the earth warms up, and the second 7 year shift it cools.

"the planet has warmed 0.7 degrees. Fact"

the above may be true,lets say it is because it verywell might be, everyone reading this check when this warming started, ill bet it was recent, say within the 7 year shift.

another thing is, scientists back in the 70s and 80s said the same thing scientist are saying now but it was more dramatic, somehow the drama has cooled down.

recently there was a group of enviromentalist who wants the media to stop the use of the words "global warming", because they have proof that the planet is actually cooling, they say we should be talking about the "climate crises" instead. i dont want to sound like im nagging but first the media was talking about global warming, now they say its cooling? i think this supports the 7 year period thing.

as for the coral i wouldnt worry, if global warming or cooling is happening they will be fine, why? well coral has survived millions of years of climate change i think they will have a die out but some will cope and then thrive. in the carribean there was a massive effort to save corals from a certain disease untill the project was halted and cancelled because in about 1/3 of the corals there was a gene that made these corals immune to the disease and a s the corals breed the gene spread and while the disease still killse coral a majority of them will not be affected.

like the H1N1 virus which was thought to be a massive epidemic, untill recently, global warming in my mind is just something that the media has hyped up for ratings.

all in all i still stand by my opinion, and please do a little research, you may learn somethig, and hey you might something to convince me of global warming, but i dont see it happening.
just take the media with a grain of salt, go by solid facts.
CO2 and man causing global warming is a complete myth, and I am sorry but there is plenty of evidence out there showing this and this statement "Every major scientific institution around the world is in agreement that humans have caused most of the warming by deforestation and dramaticly raising atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases like co2 by burning fossil fuels.
" is also false.
The planet is now in a natural cooling cycle and as stated before this is normal. Our planet warms and cools and has been for ever. Just do a search now and you will find the icecaps are back to increase some even more that before. The reefs where here before us and will be after us.
But don't take my word for it, why not check with one of the a world leading and a very respect climatologist

And he is not there only one, in fact there are so many out there as most scientist can easly see all the many, many holes in ther global warming, opps I mean climate change theory. Just the fact that they had to change the name shows its silliness.

And besides this is all based on computer models, well these same computer model can't even predict the weather right for 1 week do you really think they can for a 100 years.
I think many people are just in denial, probably unconsciously, that us humans are too blame for our natural world falling apart. it is a sad and scary thing to admit to, so I'm not surprised people have a difficult time accepting the facts and owning up to them (not personally, but as a species).
thanks for your support,...

i know im not in denial, im basing my beleifs on pure fact and what can be proven, i cant make you beleive something you dont.

with that said my beleif is here to stay you beleive what you know is true i do.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995594#post14995594 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by percula99
I am not trying to belittle this article in the least. I truly beleive that a lot of the world's oceans are changing and are in trouble. Man has significantly changed this planet's natural evolution. But I also beleive that we need to take some of these articles with a grain of salt. I remember watching a TV show 12-15 years ago saying that with global warming going the way it was, that Florida would be under water all the way up to Orlando by 2050. The show was complete with animations showing the rise of water. Bye-bye Disney World. I don't know that Florida's coast line has changed that dramatically in the years since. Miami is still there. The show showed other areas of the world where global warming would affect regions similarly. Some of these predictions can/might come true, but some are also exagerated.

Do you have any scientific basis for this? Not saying this is what you are doing, but I always find it funny when people try to downplay a scientific study, who intelligent individuals spent hours preparing, because, ya know...they saw something once that made them think they know better what will happen 40 years from now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15120970#post15120970 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ricky92
thanks for your support,...

i know im not in denial, im basing my beleifs on pure fact and what can be proven, i cant make you beleive something you dont.

with that said my beleif is here to stay you beleive what you know is true i do.

The problem here is "belief" - a belief is something not based in fact but on emotion. Climate change is something based in fact and science, not something you "believe" in.
Spot on mcliffy2. There is some misinformation being spouted here.

I find it hard to beleive that people are still denying the huge amount of evidence that supports anthropogenic global warming.

Even the oil companys have stopped paying people to deny it now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15120348#post15120348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ricky92
everything you said is true to some degree, but take into consideration, scientist have found that earths climate changges in 14 year periods broken up into two shifts, one 7 year period the earth warms up, and the second 7 year shift it cools.

"the planet has warmed 0.7 degrees. Fact"

the above may be true,lets say it is because it verywell might be, everyone reading this check when this warming started, ill bet it was recent, say within the 7 year shift.

another thing is, scientists back in the 70s and 80s said the same thing scientist are saying now but it was more dramatic, somehow the drama has cooled down.

recently there was a group of enviromentalist who wants the media to stop the use of the words "global warming", because they have proof that the planet is actually cooling, they say we should be talking about the "climate crises" instead. i dont want to sound like im nagging but first the media was talking about global warming, now they say its cooling? i think this supports the 7 year period thing.

as for the coral i wouldnt worry, if global warming or cooling is happening they will be fine, why? well coral has survived millions of years of climate change i think they will have a die out but some will cope and then thrive. in the carribean there was a massive effort to save corals from a certain disease untill the project was halted and cancelled because in about 1/3 of the corals there was a gene that made these corals immune to the disease and a s the corals breed the gene spread and while the disease still killse coral a majority of them will not be affected.

like the H1N1 virus which was thought to be a massive epidemic, untill recently, global warming in my mind is just something that the media has hyped up for ratings.

all in all i still stand by my opinion, and please do a little research, you may learn somethig, and hey you might something to convince me of global warming, but i dont see it happening.
just take the media with a grain of salt, go by solid facts.

so your 'opinions' are solid facts are they? :lol:

I get my facts from scientific papers and journals, not down the pub from joe.

Heres a good place for you to start reading.

Download the Working Group I Report "The Physical Science Basis"
Well in the 70's we had the new ice age coming, now we have the old world going to burn up. Humans have a superiority complex problem. This world have been every changing and will be forever changing, where most of us live at one point used covered in mile high ice. We have no effect on climate and weather, co2 is a colour odourless gas that supports life and what we breath out. But I believe the biggest problem with all of this is that lack of seeing that most of this theory is still completely up for debate and the fact that gov and other agencies are spending so much money on this when the money can be better spend else where, exspecailly with what state the world is in now. Don't get me wrong there has been many good things come of taking a closer look in to the enviroment as in looking for a better fuel source and energy source and looking at our waste and how better to deal with it and that is most likely why there hasn't been must protest, but at the same time there has been tons of wasted time and money being spent on in the name of climate change and fitting if when we have absolutely no control over it. This is just my 2 cents but there are many with that same 2 cents.

But pictures are better than words some time so please check out this for fun
Do you have any scientific basis for this? Not saying this is what you are doing, but I always find it funny when people try to downplay a scientific study, who intelligent individuals spent hours preparing, because, ya know...they saw something once that made them think they know better what will happen 40 years from now.

mcliffy2......I need scientific proof to disagree with a TV show that aired 15 years ago predicting doom and gloom which has not begun yet! I didn't realize I needed any. I never said this show aired as a "result of a scientific study, who intelligent individuals spent hours preparing." You put that in there. I said it was a TV show full of animations. Is Miami under water? Because at the rate this "TV show" said Florida would be under water it would have begun by now. This show said all of Florida would be under water right up to Orlando by the year 2050. Do you have any "scientific proof" that it will be? If not, how can you agree with that show? I was just making a point that sometimes articles (or even TV shows) get exagerated to draw attention to themselves. Nothing more.