Green Acro dying


New member
Hi ,

I was wondering if anyone here has a suggestion on how to save my green acro , I have had it for several months (2) and it was doing fine now its dying from the bottom up . All the undersides of the coral are turning white. I am going to frag this coral but was wondering what caused this sudden dying off? thanks for any help or info you can provide.
I have used Lugols to stop recession like that. Take the coral out, using a Qtip or equivalent dip in Lugols and trace the edge of the recession. Wait 30-45 sec and then put back in tank. I have also been advised Seachems reef dip does the same thing better and also will inhibit any algae growth on the skeleton. I have not yet had reason to try the Seachem but plan on picking up a bottle just in case.

that is too much of reason why the sps die off. i believe that is STN. to play save, u can frag it off.

wat is ur water paramenter reading? lighting? flow? pest? etc etc...
Yes more about your tank ....Man things cause stn and it can stop on its own if the problem is corrected what ever it may be .

So let us know your temp , salinity ,alk , ca, mg , no3, no2,p04 type of flow and light the coral is receiving. Also a pic would help .

Lugols my slow it down but its not a magic wand and there is a problem that may need tended to so that stn doesn't continue or develop into RTN.