Green Cyano and GHA outbreak

Do you rinse the cube?
Or just melt it and drop it?
That would add phosphate.
Plus some foods are high in phosphates.

If that does not work fluconazole does.

.....I found at about 14 months, no more algae no more cyno, been that way for 10 months.

Just keep working at it, every day, your tank matures a bit more.

Usually I just melt it and add it but I was told that I should be rinsing it out first. What should be done first, the fluconazole or the red slime remover?
I think your giving the tank too much light, I would lower the intensity on the leds and see if that helps, and keep up with regular water changes and siphon out the gha, change the gfo once a month, and dont use too much, post a picture of your tank so we can see the problem.
the sunlight might be a factor but it is only on the tank for maybe 40 minutes if that and there are parts of the tank that have cyano/GHA and that dont get hit with any of the sunlight. i will try blocking it out though. and as for my actual light schedule i have cut it back dramatically as well. it is now 8 hr instead of 12 hr. the T5s arent ran as much and the intensity of the kessils is at about 2/3s normal intensity. i will see about getting some flucolzone.
the sunlight might be a factor but it is only on the tank for maybe 40 minutes if that and there are parts of the tank that have cyano/GHA and that dont get hit with any of the sunlight. i will try blocking it out though. and as for my actual light schedule i have cut it back dramatically as well. it is now 8 hr instead of 12 hr. the T5s arent ran as much and the intensity of the kessils is at about 2/3s normal intensity. i will see about getting some flucolzone.

Cutting back photoperiod will definitely go in the right direction, ya 40 minutes not worried to much about, 8 is good, mine is 9, 12 is too long, watch those T5's when the get 8-12 months old, the spectrum turns more reddish, which algae loves.

So assuming these are all the causes, once the fluconazole is done, you should be cleaner...
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I agree with the others but one thing I will add is I would not start dosing photo. To me it will make the problem worse. If u where battling Dino then phyto could do some good. That is because when battling Dino u want other algea to grow to compete with the Dino.

Make sure u clean the tank well & syphon off as much as possible before treatment, whether u do a blackout, fluconazole or chemiclean
Ugh, for a while it seemed like the GHA was fading a little but now It doesn't like ok like it's fading atnd it looks like it's growijg back in some places. Also the cyano has gone crazy. It's covered the sand bed with a thick mat and it's all over the glass. Should I try a blackout again? Should I try red slime remover? Should I try and wait it out some more?
Always had issues with diatoms/cyano/or whatever the hell it was growing in my sand. Tried bio pellets with a proper recirc reactor, H2O2 dosing, reduced food, frequent sock changes, 3 day blackouts, water changes, refugium, chemiclean, the list goes on. Either no change, got worse, or just temporary improvement.
Started an algae scrubber 2+ months ago. Algae is getting lighter, I'm finding more broken pieces in my socks, and the sand is cleaning up. So far, so good, I'm hoping this will be a long term solution. Supposedly, scrubbing will take the place of all other filtration, although I'm not sold on that just yet.
I shopped around, finally bought from these folks:
I thought it was weird that they're not an aquarium business per se, but the product and lights are working well. I'm up to weekly scraping and maintenance is pretty easy. Way more successful than growing cheato