Green Mushroom cloning...


New member
How long does it take for a green mushroom to grow to a large enough size to clone? I bought one recently and it's about 5/8 of an inch. I have a 29g aquarium with a 6x24" T5 HO fixture with 3 actinic and 3 10K bulbs.

Thanks for the help,
That to depends
All depends on if you have them sitting by themselves so they can spread out without being bothered or is it close to somthing that may hinder it's growth.
Is it under the perfect lighting for that type of shroom??
Do you use proper suppliments to encourage growth and health.
Are you feeding it ??

You got any pics that would help a great deal in answering your questions. I've currectly got Green Rhodacs that are pushing 5 inches accross.
Here's a picture but my camera is really bad and kind of fuzzy.

There's a featherduster about 3 inches away and a bubble tip anemone about 10 inches away. So there's really nothing nearby to bother it. It's been in my aquarium since March.
Dear God man !!! what the hell is that ??? pictures say so much I know why the shroom isn't growing now. It's working of dieing not growing is that white/grayish stuff sponge ??? Look at all that bubble aglea.....I can tell you how to fix this but I need one more pictue before I'll give my advice.

I need a couple shots of the tank , left side, right side and whole tank shot.
Also filters, lights powerheads etc etc

Tank size

Also what is your light cycle ??
Feed cycle ??? What do you feed ???
i told you my camera was bad. those 'bubbles' aren't bubbles at all, they're those little white things you get growing on the glass but i can't scrape them off rocks. i really wish i had a better camera because in complete honesty that fuzzy stuff isn't in the aquarium at all. all i have is the camera on my cell phone.

ok, my friend let me borrow his camera and it's a little better.

I have a 900gph pump in a 29g tank but it's probably more like 700gph from the height it's at. plus a koralia pump. the lights are on for about 10hrs a day and i feed chopped shrimp once a day to 3 fish that are all fairly small.
Full Tank:

I just got the new light fixture about 2 weeks ago. This new fixture is putting out much more light than the old one was. I have seen an increase in algae but it's nothing out of control. it's mostly that really fine stuff that you see growing that doesn't get very long.

now i know i need to invest in a better camera. maybe one even better than my friend's 3 megapixel
Oh much better I was about to go into heart failure.

Ok where did you get the shroom with the better camera I can see it alittle better and it seems to be all skirt is there a mouth to that thing ?? When people cut them in half if they do not get 50/50 of the mouth on both halves the shroom with the whole mouth will heal really fast while the one without a mouth will heal up slowly but never really grow or do anything.

If I'm missing it, it looks like your shroom is missing a mouth.

Also is that a green bubble tip anenome ??
i bought it from a lfs frag tank. it appears to have a center that appears to be a lighter tannish color but i don't know if it's a mouth or not.

and yes that's also a green bubble tip anemone. although it's never really been green before. it's that brownish color for the most part unless it retracts its tentacles.
Ok Will

I would try this simply turn the rock upwards more towards the light and see what happens in a couple of days.

after a couple of days try squirting filter feeder food of your choice directly onto the the shroom making sure it is the same temp as the water itself so not to shock it.

Also I don't think you mention what kind of lighting you have in that tank.

Keeping me updated with pics even those (not so good ones) would help a great deal.
I have an Aqua Medic 6 bulb T5 HO fixture with 3 10000K and 3 actinic bulbs. I have a total of 144 watts in a 29g tank so that's roughly 4.9 watts per gallon. I don't think it's starving for light but i'll move it up a little and see what happens. But after looking at other mushroom mouths, mine doesn't appear to have one.
If you shroom simply does not have a mouth then it will take month before it will grow or spawn new babies.
In honesty it didn't look like it had a formed mouth to me but I'm not able to see it in great detail

Personally if I were you I'd go get another shroom making sure it was healthy and had a mouth and place it in and see what it does.
To bad you weren't closer I'd hook you up ...I am the Mushroom King you known
I bought a ricordea yesterday so I'll see how it goes. and yeah, if that bta gets much bigger I'll probably have to do something about it.