green nepthea turn black

Why does my green nepthea always turn black and then melt away? no other coral affected. for years, I try different nepthea always the same result what i am missing?
yes i have other leathers and they are all thriving. i have a humongous japanese tyree neon green leather probably 1 foot across in diameter..

the green nepthea melted away it's gone..the only thing left is the spiny calcium spicules that were at the base of the coral.
Do you dose iodine? In my experience most soft corals do better if you add iodine to the tank.

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green nepthea turn black

I do.

I dose b ionic 2 part and there trace elements. Also periodically do an ICP test to make sure things are okay
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I have had my green neph frags die off like that in a couple of my tanks but not my main systems. Not sure why myself.
Yes. But you need to test and make sure you keep all stable. Dose equal parts of the 2 part and per instructions for trace.

ESV B-Ionic Transition Elements + PLUS 32 oz.

B-Ionic Transition Elements Plus is the latest product by ESV, formulated by Bob Stark in collaboration with Joe Yaiullo. B-Ionic TE Plus+ changes the nutrient dynamics of reef aquaria without the use of specialized chemical media. It provides a conservative level of organic carbon, synergistically combined with trace elements to maximize heterotrophic bacterial uptake of nitrate and phosphate. B-Ionic TE Plus+ can also provide many potential benefits such as enhanced production of marine snow, and mitigation of any hydrogen sulfide release within the aquarium. Also, enhanced coral coloration, better polyp extension, and increased water clarity have been observed with the use of B-Ionic TE Plus+. This product has been formulated to prevent accumulation of the transition elements it provides.

it says that it helps produce marine the carbon dosing in the transition elements feeds the bacteria to make marine snow that the corals eat?
I don't do the plus. I have no need for carbon dosing.

All of this got way off track. There's no way dosing this will help your nepthea issue. If all other leathers are fine, then I'd just say don't buy anymore nepthea.

Certain tanks just do t do well with certain corals. We just don't have all the science down yet.
Do you run any carbon? It’s possible you have some chemical warfare going on and the nepthea is the loser of the battle.