Has anyone had this problem? My green slimer has been sliming for 2 days now. I mean sloughing off long snotty gobs every couple minutes.
At first I didn't realize what was happening. Once I realized I saw my pathalma had grown into it and touched a branch. I fragged off the pathalma but it won't stop. You would not believe what 2 days of slime will do to your tank. Its hanging everywhere. I've siphoned it off twice today. The coral is sliming off areas on the far side from where the pathalma touched. There are 2 other pathalma branches wthin 1/2" but this has never caused this reaction before.
My params
temp 80
Sg 1.026
Ca 420
alk 9.3dkh
Mg 1350
ph 8.28
PO4 - 0 on Salifert run phosban
NO2,NO3,NH4-all 0
I dose amino acids but last dose was 2 days prior to the slime starting. Nothing else added.
At first I didn't realize what was happening. Once I realized I saw my pathalma had grown into it and touched a branch. I fragged off the pathalma but it won't stop. You would not believe what 2 days of slime will do to your tank. Its hanging everywhere. I've siphoned it off twice today. The coral is sliming off areas on the far side from where the pathalma touched. There are 2 other pathalma branches wthin 1/2" but this has never caused this reaction before.
My params
temp 80
Sg 1.026
Ca 420
alk 9.3dkh
Mg 1350
ph 8.28
PO4 - 0 on Salifert run phosban
NO2,NO3,NH4-all 0
I dose amino acids but last dose was 2 days prior to the slime starting. Nothing else added.