green star polyps?


New member
Are green star polyps easy to keep? How fast do they grow? Can I add them directly after I cycle my tank?
GSP are pretty undemanding when it comes down to lighting, flow, & parameters. Be careful though. These things spread like wildfire and can easily take over a tank. You might want to isolate them somewhere. GL.
Its a good starter coral, and although I hear they can grow fast, in my tank, I only see maybe 1/2" wider per month, so its not the kind of growth that can REALLY take over. It pulls off of smooth rock pretty well and you can cut it safely to frag it off.

Make sure your tank is cycled and go for it! Its a popular and very pretty coral under actinics.
It grows like weeds. When I downsized I thought I got rid of the rocks with it on it. I had my live rock in brute trash cans in the garage with a maxijet for flow in the summer with temps around 100. I put the new tank together and within a week some GSP showed up and now I have 2 large rocks covered that I prune back weekly by cutting and peeling. They can and will take over your tank if you are not careful or isolate them on a rock not touching anything.
they are a great addition, especially if you sre sble to get some of the neon green, but as stated they can be a nusence... control them and they are a sweet addittion
I seem to have a different experience than most people with gsp, in my tank they do fine, they open up and everything but i get no new growth from these. I have had one small rock covered in them someone gave me a while back and it has not spread anywhere at all. I guess it just depends on the person tank
Wendy - mine are like that too. very little growth. I was actually surprised when I saw it encrusting over the rock a bit. But I've seen other's tanks that grow like mad. It could have something to do with the strain too I suppose.
I put mine on a rock in the corner by the overflow so they'd grow up it. They didn't grow. I moved them over about 5 inches (better light & flow) and they've taken off. Nowhere close to the overflow, though. :lmao:
I glued. Frag to the back wall of my nano... Within a few months it had spread a good distance in all directions. Love ha stuff. Very pretty
I purchased a nice chunk of rock covered green star polyps but they aren't doing well. I've moved tried them in a few different places but only one are now opens. I have a flame angel which left them alone when they were open but would nip at the rock when closed, but no more than any other rock. Could it have harmed them?
Its a great coral to let grow all over your rock scape. Some people don't like it but when it grows in around everything it starts to take on a really natural look IMO, not a very SPS friendly coral from my experience though. But it does well to fill in the gaps between large LPS and leather corals. Not worth buying any of it though as most people will probably be willing to give frags of it away. I know I have. Made over 100 frags of it in the last year alone.
i have to agree they are very good beginner corals and they are also very colorful they will spread everywhere and that is what makes them so popular with beginners they don't have to worry about a think just place and watch


Why do I have such difficulty with beginner corals? I read of everyone having such success with these simple corals!! My more difficult corals grow fine. My fish and anemone are great but my green star polyps, purple mushrooms and Kenya tree just seem to linger till they eventually fade away! I have moved them from medium to high to low light, and same with the flow. I have tried different coral foods etc. Nothing works.
I have a 30 gal nano tank
Nano Sol lights
keep temp at 79 degrees
salinity 1.025
all parameters are spot on
I do water changes once a week
I supplement with alternating days of magnesium and calcium/buffer and an occasional soft coral supplement
and I feed with frozen H20 Life coral mix.

I give up! What am I doing wrong?
I keep all of these with no problem. In fact, they are brighter and bigger in my tank than the one they came from. I have a 28g nano, with a hang on fuge. Nice big pieces of macro in the fuge. All my parameters are also spot on. However, I don't supplement. I'm of the opinion that it's the same as it would be for humans; supplemental, not required. Plus, all of the corals you've mentioned are self sustaining through photosynthesis. Perhaps you're overdoing it? Just a thought. I haven't been at this very long.