Green Star Polyps


New member
Not sure if this is the proper forum but...

I'm having problems getting my recently purchased green star polyps to come out. 3-4 will pop out but not the whole colony...

Any ideas. I placed them at the bottom and have moved them a couple of tims trying to pick a good place.

Any thoughts on flow and lighting.

MH 70w HQI in a 24g AquaPod - Many other corals doing nicely.
medium to strong flow and light....

Carefull what you wish for... Right now your wanting them to come out and grow... but when they take off they will cover everything in your tank like a vicious weed...


Seriously though... good luck.
GSP's will take awhile to come out. Every time you move them they will hide for a few days, give them some time they will come out.

Dito on what CoralNutz said medium to strong flow and light
My GSP are different from a lot of others Ive seen. The ones I have are metallic and have tentacles about an inch long. They sway with all the flow I have.
I have them growing on my overflow box and there is about 15-20 % left of the overflow for them to grow on. Xenia I agree is a pest, but hey its the coral everyone "ooos" when they see it!