Green Star Polyps


New member
I'm not even sure if this is where this goes but if not hopefully someone can move it.

Anyway, I recently purchased a green star polyp frag and it's not attached to any rock. I used a rubber band to hold it onto a piece of rubble and after 48 hours it's still loose. I tried to attach it with super glue but it wouldn't hold. Should I just leave the rubber bands on there and will it eventually attach itself or do I need to try something different?

I attached my green star polyps to a piece of rock with superglue about a week ago and everything looks great. I had a piece of rock that I let dry in the sun for a few minutes (it had no growth on it). Then I blotted it with a towel and blotted the underside of the polyps with a paper towel. The polyps opened up again after a couple of hours. From other things I've read, I think you can go ahead and leave the rubberband on till it attaches. Maybe 3-7 days? I'm not sure about that method.
I used super glue GEL. Make sure it's the gel because it's designed for porous surfaces. Also, make sure you don't place it back in the water until for a few minutes after you glue it. Good luck.
I wouldn't worry too much about the GSP. It will survive anything. Make sure the glue is dried well before putting the GSP back in the water.

It will do fine.
Pat dry your frag rock. Add a glob of s-glue gel. Let it stiffen up a minute. Pull out your gsp. Shake off extra water from gsp. Push gsp onto s-glue. Leave it out of water for a couple secs. Lower your new frag into the tank slowly and set it somewhere your brittle stars/crabs/turbo snails wont knock it over.
gel works, but you can wedge it in between 2 rocks as well. take about 2 weeks 2 secure itself completly. they grow like mad, so eny method sould be sucsessfull