Green vs. Red?


New member
Is there a difference? Is one better than another? any recomendations or reservations? Are there other colors out there? Sorry for the abundance of questions...:rollface:
Aside from one being red and other being green, yes there are numerous difference's. Better than another is subjective, some like to look at greens, and some reds. In general, but not engraved in stone either, Greens typically are found in areas of higher light and therefore tend to need brighter lighting than reds. The other major color is brown, the kelps and saragasums etc. However the reds can actually vary in color from bright red, to brown, to black. Now that I've probably confused you more, I'd recomend looking at what you want the macro's to do and then look into what one's are available that will do what you want ;)
what is a good source for which macro does what? It is going into my fuge, I like the thought of red, simply to please the eye, so I am not set on red if it will not do what it should in a fuge. I am totally new to this so thanks for all your patience and help.
Tell us how your fuge is set up, ie size and lighting. There are a couple of nice branching reds such as Gracilaria and Agardhiella that do well in fuges and don't require as intense light as some of the greens.
the fuge is not setup yet. It will be a ten gallon fuge, but everything else is still in the works. I wanted to find out what i would need for the macro before I set up the fuge. so, any and all suggestions are welcome and invited.
Bill, what is a good place to purchase macros? also, is there a site that has pictures to I can see what they all look like? I am totally new to this aspect. (and the hobby as a whole)