Green Water help/ideas


New member
Hi, I have a very sad story, my fault though.

I had a potters angel, 2 false percs, and 1 yellow tailed damsel. also 1 brain coral an anenome and a xenia. Lost them all.

I had bought 2 percs and at first everyone was living happily, then the percs got ich I tried getting some reef safe treatment with pepper. Im guessing I started the treatment too late, they all got covered in it so bad that dips didnt help either.

I have macro algea plants that I originally put behind the LR which made it look nice, plants from behind LR, if only they had stayed there, they started sending shoots that went into the brain corral and Im thinking the shoots killed the brain corral, then the plants would get some kind of little spikes in their leaves and stems and then release all the clorophile into the water making it all green, and now my water is just green, with only living organisms being the hermit crabs, enourmous copepods and amphipods and bristle worms since they have no predators.
I still keep feeding the tank a little less than the usual when I had fish in there.

Water changes didn't help much. the water would get a bit lighter then go back to its original green I can barely see the outline of the rocks or maybe its my imagination.

If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate, and Im not going back to one of my LFS. I came in to get my paramators tested after I lost the fish I had untraceable nitrites nitrates PH was also at the right level, only thing that showed was a very faint amonia level, he tried to sell me other stuff for amonia I told him I had fish die in the night thats why my amonia registers even faintly and I told him I have no more fish so wont matter to me because there isnt much load on the system now. I saw what was his agenda.