greentip anemones FS


New member
Hey everyone Ive had over 30 of these in my tank forever and im so tired of them because they have spread so much that I cant put any corals in my tank so they are for sale and MUST GO! Will sell for 45 per but will give deals on purchases of 3 or more. every clown that I have has loved these anemones put I want to do more corals and just dont have the room with these things so please help a bro out. pm me if you are interesed
Current Tank Info: 180 Gal plumbed in the basement with 200 gal sump. Decided to go aggressive from this point on.

eyebedam, as a proponent of "plumbed water changes on the fly", i'd love to see the schematic (or pics) of yours.

My plumbing allows 20-gallon heated saltwater changes, with NO buckets!
its gonna be hard to get pics of them as they are already in tubs as im currently working on the tank the body is tan and the very tip of the tenticals is a neon green and some are 6 inches in diameter
Is this the anemone?
no thats not it, im gonna try and post some pics today but the color of the tips is jsut as green as that one
I will also ask if anyone has any ideas for geting these guys off the rocks easier cause thats been giving me a problem
Some use ice cubes on the foot to get it to release,or useing your finger nail to slowly peel the foot off,go slow to keep from tearing the foot.HTH
im working on the pics lol hold ur horses lisa i got distracted by the new smallville episode haha sad i know
pics should be up by tonight im having to go pic up my sister slr cam because my little sony cyber shot just isnt cutting it for good pics
by the way there are a total of 31 anemones left, and if you buy 2 you get 1 free and the price is lowered to 35 per
heres a pic finaly, thanks carlos for helping me figure out how to post them since im computer retarted

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="bubble tip"></a>
well everyone i have seen them in person and the picture does not do them justice, they are actually( depending on your lighting) beautiful, the body is purple and just the very tips are a bright neon green and they are nice size too