Greetings to Southern California Reefers, here's my tank


New member

Hello, I would like to introduce myself.

I have been keeping fish for about 13 years, reefs for the last 6. This 120 gallon acrylic is my second reef. It has been running 5 years, but only the last 2.5 with me as the entire system was given to me. I merged my existing 3.5 year old 30 gallon system into bigger reef a few months after the move to my house.

The reef has been doing great since I have had it, over the last few years I have upgraded the sump, the entire light system, all the pumps, added a calcium reactor and more. I really enjoy the equipment as much as the science or beauty of keeping reefs.

Well here is my tank info and some pics... let me know what you think.

Tank - 120 Gallon Acrylic Clear for Life tank - 60" wide x 18" deep x 24" high
Lighting - 2 x 250w Phoenix 14k in 15.5" Lumenmax Elite reflectors w/Lumatek ballasts plus 2 x 54w T5 (ATI Blue Plus)
Sump - Custom Sump (40 gallon breeder), with refugium
Skimmer - Euro reef clone skimmer 24" tall (350gph)
Calcium Reactor - My Reef Creations CR-1
Overflow - HOB LifeReef dual overflow with DIY standpipes
Return Pump -Mag 9.5
Flow pumps - 2x Korilla 4 pumps
Live rock - 80+ lbs of Florida Aquaculture rock and 40lbs of Fuji rock

Yellow Tang
2 x Ocellaris Clown
Tomato Clown
Yellow Watchman Goby
Scribbled Rabbitfish
Green Clown Goby
Eibli Angelfish
1 Green Chromis

2x Scarlet skunk cleaners
Coral Banded Shrimp
2x Brittle stars
2x Serpent stars
1 Unknown LT Anemone (T Clown Host)
Tiger tail sea cucumber
2x Gulf sea urchin
Lots of blue legged hermits
Lots of Astrea, Turbo and Trochus snails

About 18-19 types of coral including, frogspawn, branching hammer, orange cap monti, green cap monti, green/brown acropora, a few types of mushrooms, green favia, green palys, GSP everywhere, pink milli and others....

Here are more pics





Here is a picture from May of 2009 with my old lights (Hamilton 175 x2 SE Iwasaki 15k + 2 x 54 w T5s)

My anemone and the very EVIL tomato clown (I am not sure what species of nem this is, some people say BTA, some people say it's not, it has orange tips that glow orange under my actinics, looks like fiber optics. The body of the nem is burgundy with a bluish shine on the disk.



Here is a picture of my branching hammer coral before fragging and selling 3/4 of it on Craigslist. It easily had 100-120 heads at the time.
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Welcome to Reef Central! Excellent tank you have there. Being in the hobby for quite a while, your wealth of experience will be appreciated here in the forum.
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Beautiful tank.
Nice tank! looking good! It seems that most tomato clowns are evil lil punks.. i have one that attacks my hand 90% of the time i put it in the tank. One day he will push his luck and end up on the sharp end of some scale spearfishing with a bamboo skewer.
Nice tank! looking good! It seems that most tomato clowns are evil lil punks.. i have one that attacks my hand 90% of the time i put it in the tank. One day he will push his luck and end up on the sharp end of some scale spearfishing with a bamboo skewer.

They are evil, I have been bit at least twice where blood was drawn, she also killed 5 of the 6 green chromis I had, the remaining chromis I call "three quarters" as it is missing part of it's lower body and fins. The other 5 were torn apart as they ventured over the evil one's nem.

It's a pretty fish, just mean as all heck!

- MikeT

Can anyone ID this anemone ? It was sold to me as a BTA, but it has never had any bubbles or bulbs, the tentacles sometime stretch about 8 inches from the disk and end with glowing orange tips (like fiber optics).

The Tomato took to it in seconds after introduction and has never left it (2 years ago).

It grew fast initially, but has been the same size for most of the last year.

Any ideas what it is?

- MikeT