Gregs KZ SPS adventure Upsized.


New member
Sorry mods...move to where this should be please :)

New Tank, bigger size....and a Fresh start with better results ;)

System Objectives:
My aim is to create a Top shelf SPS reef to showcase to the best of my abilities the corals natural beauty and provide a better platform for continuing my reefing education.

System Type:
KZ Zeovit SPS dominated display reef.

Display System:
Strike up Date:
20 Sep 2012

Display Tank: Display tank specifications.
1500x750x500 OR 5' x 2.5' x 20" in the old terms. 12mm Starfire eurobraced with external Coast to coast (Calfo) and Conventional Bean Animal plumbing arrangement. 3mmm Black acrylic internal with laser cut comb for background.
18" water height to keep it fairly shallow and allow maximum light penetration.

Display Lighting:
By the time its wet i'll have the Choice of ATI 8x54W or ATI PM 10x80W

1540x850x1000h DIY steel stand with 2-pac House of Kolor poly cladding. Sleek and Modern and ultimately functional. Recessed rear top of stand to allow pipework to be installed behind tank.

Open top, dislike the look of hoods generally.

900x600x400 2 section DIY acrylic sump, and a ATO resevoir built in.
Only need a sump to house the skimmer, passive carbon and Zeovit reactor.

Not happening. Zeo reef so no necessity for Refugium.

Support systems:

System Water:
Artificial Salt Water utilising KZ reefers best salt when i can get it.
Otherwise Red Sea Salt (blue bucket) in interims.

Display Water circulation:
Closed Loop Gyre like system :) 2x Panworld 200 MD-R70's aiming for 30cm/s laminar flow.
This is an important area and one area I continually underachieve in previous tanks. I have been researching and researching this area in detail and now realise that I really need to improve the flow dynamics in this system. With an increased understanding of the demands of SPS keeping, i aim to be providing my SPS with the correct flow rate and an environment far more condusive for coral health. Should i achieve this then i should maximise the best potential results for my display that I can. Michael Galleri, Rod the Reefer, and Semillion's tanks are huge inspirations for me in this regard.

Some light reading on flow found here:

Return Pump:
To be Decided. Eheim, Red dragon, New Sicce and Tunze Silence pumps are all in contension for this important job.

KZ revolution small skimmer from the old tank. Love this skimmer, its service so far has been exceptional.

Evaporation Top Up:
Auto Top-off via Tunze Osmolator

Chemical Support:

Calcium Addition:
Randies Recipe 1 via Kamoer Dosing pump.

Alkilinity Addition:
Randies Recipe 1 via Kamoer Dosing Pump.

Other Chemical Maintenance:
Full Korallen-Zucht Zeovit system, utilising any supplement from that range as may be required.
Undecided on KZ Zeovit reactor S or Vertex ZF-30 zeovit reactor at this stage. Probably KZ to match the skimmer.

Current Water Chemistry:
Will be maintained at close to NSW levels to the best of my ability.

The Concept:



Some stand build progress pics:


All corners are mitred to fully seal the weldments and prevent moisture getting inside and rusting the stand internally. No penetrations will be made through structural members.







Frame was carefully assembled to ensure it remained square and level, tolerance allowed was 1mm over 1500mm. As far as i can tell i am within that tolerance.



Also picked up 4 litres of House of Color 2pak for the stand.
Stay tuned, should have some progress over the weekend now that i have the pumps ;)
1st coat of 2pak, @ tack stage. Think its gonna come up nicely, I love how nicely House of Kolor comes outa the gun....



i did have time to modify the plans a bit (and model the correct skimmer up and insert it into it). Still got to redo some renders when i get a chance.


Gyre/Circular flow plan: One pump on at a time for extended periods, before flow is reversed by cycling the pumps. Occasional Storms to be simulated by simultaneous pump operation.
5 coats of HOK base-coat black and 3 of 2Pac Krytal Klear Kote later.... and i've finally started the tedium of polishing the stand.



Doors have been cut, test fit and painted too, so will start the polishing work on them tomorrow....maybe.
So in the Last couple of days i have been spending time getting the stand ready to move. I have applied car-wrap heat treated vinyl to the internal surfaces of the cabinet. This allowed me to have the interior white and bright without the hassle of painting a dual color scheme. I have also used a compressed recycled poly board for the base, so it is completely impervious to water damage. I Will also seal the board to the stand to form a mini-bund WHEN i spill something.

And then today, a little impromptu but i had a mate drop in to visit, so i promptly put him to work. :roflmao:
We moved a couch out of the house, then relocated the 3x2x2 tank across the living room, then finally brought the new semi-completed stand into location
In other news, I pick up the tank next weekend, bulkheads, ATI PM and LED's will arrive tomorrow




p.s. Dont mind the RSM130D in the background. Thats not the tank i relocated.....thats just another of our tanks.
ATI Power-module has arrived. 8x54w should give the sticks plenty of punch, will order the globes soon.


And, courtesy of Dave from Extreme Reef. The new glass....12mm Starphire bevelled and polished edges. Black silicone and 90%CTC external overflow.



Big thanks to my go to mate Chris, for helping move tanks and stuff around. Your a legend buddy :cheers:

The obligatory kid in tank shot...


Im waiting on the DUBV's to arrive from the States now. I hope my brother has sent them?
Yeah, apologies for the massive photo bomb.... just trying to get everyone up to date on where im at!

Decided to acid bath all the rock i'm planning to use for my scape.... a quick pictorial.

the Acid i used, available from pool shops (dont go to Clark rubber, its literally 3 times as expensive)


an out of focus before shot.


The reaction going off!


Glad this crap isn't going into the tank!








And after.... I think it made a difference ;)

These rocks are now soaking in tubs, with Lanthium gl. Hexahydrate to draw out whatever banked PO4's are still trapped.
Then they will be sun dried and assembled into the scape :thumbsup:

The Closed loop holes are all drilled, bulkheads in and some plumbing started. Finished making the acrylic with router cut overflow last week, so thats in too.

DUBV's for CL should be here tomorrow, and then I can plumb them up and give em a crack ;)
Might also have time to modify the MP40 wet-side cages that I am planning to use as intake screens for the CL,
And at some stage start assembling the sump and powerboard! Not much to do :wall:











Im not totally stoked with my flow and believe there is room for improvement. Seems my point velocity out of the penductors is down, so it doesnt have enough punch to generate adequate flow. Im ordering some different eductors from Premium aquatics to have a play with, ones with a smaller orifice which should create a higher back pressure pre-enductor, then a greater pressure drop and thus an increase in discharge/point velocity. Really want to get this gyre pumping. Having said that though, i did have to mix 10mm coral rubble with the aragonite to stop it flying around the tank.....
pikchures. :pirate:


Engine room


Dosing pump shelf. Hoses are routed behind the "power-board" to hide them.


Water....Salty this time!


Digital aquatics Lifeguard... courtesy of Reef Direct (for testing). Thanks Paul for the opportunity ;)


First green algae in this tank...





After the initial nitrogen cycle with zeovit-and base rock, yesterday I was happy enough with the water param's to start adding a few corals...which ended up being all of them (that i have so far anyway) :pirate:

Still some diatoms hanging about as to be expected, but the CUC are starting to make an impact. With Copepods being noticeably effective in munching their way through it :D












Not real pretty!

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