Sorry mods...move to where this should be please 
New Tank, bigger size....and a Fresh start with better results
System Objectives:
My aim is to create a Top shelf SPS reef to showcase to the best of my abilities the corals natural beauty and provide a better platform for continuing my reefing education.
System Type:
KZ Zeovit SPS dominated display reef.
Display System:
Strike up Date:
20 Sep 2012
Display Tank: Display tank specifications.
1500x750x500 OR 5' x 2.5' x 20" in the old terms. 12mm Starfire eurobraced with external Coast to coast (Calfo) and Conventional Bean Animal plumbing arrangement. 3mmm Black acrylic internal with laser cut comb for background.
18" water height to keep it fairly shallow and allow maximum light penetration.
Display Lighting:
By the time its wet i'll have the Choice of ATI 8x54W or ATI PM 10x80W
1540x850x1000h DIY steel stand with 2-pac House of Kolor poly cladding. Sleek and Modern and ultimately functional. Recessed rear top of stand to allow pipework to be installed behind tank.
Open top, dislike the look of hoods generally.
900x600x400 2 section DIY acrylic sump, and a ATO resevoir built in.
Only need a sump to house the skimmer, passive carbon and Zeovit reactor.
Not happening. Zeo reef so no necessity for Refugium.
Support systems:
System Water:
Artificial Salt Water utilising KZ reefers best salt when i can get it.
Otherwise Red Sea Salt (blue bucket) in interims.
Display Water circulation:
Closed Loop Gyre like system
2x Panworld 200 MD-R70's aiming for 30cm/s laminar flow.
This is an important area and one area I continually underachieve in previous tanks. I have been researching and researching this area in detail and now realise that I really need to improve the flow dynamics in this system. With an increased understanding of the demands of SPS keeping, i aim to be providing my SPS with the correct flow rate and an environment far more condusive for coral health. Should i achieve this then i should maximise the best potential results for my display that I can. Michael Galleri, Rod the Reefer, and Semillion's tanks are huge inspirations for me in this regard.
Some light reading on flow found here:
Return Pump:
To be Decided. Eheim, Red dragon, New Sicce and Tunze Silence pumps are all in contension for this important job.
KZ revolution small skimmer from the old tank. Love this skimmer, its service so far has been exceptional.
Evaporation Top Up:
Auto Top-off via Tunze Osmolator
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition:
Randies Recipe 1 via Kamoer Dosing pump.
Alkilinity Addition:
Randies Recipe 1 via Kamoer Dosing Pump.
Other Chemical Maintenance:
Full Korallen-Zucht Zeovit system, utilising any supplement from that range as may be required.
Undecided on KZ Zeovit reactor S or Vertex ZF-30 zeovit reactor at this stage. Probably KZ to match the skimmer.
Current Water Chemistry:
Will be maintained at close to NSW levels to the best of my ability.

New Tank, bigger size....and a Fresh start with better results

System Objectives:
My aim is to create a Top shelf SPS reef to showcase to the best of my abilities the corals natural beauty and provide a better platform for continuing my reefing education.
System Type:
KZ Zeovit SPS dominated display reef.
Display System:
Strike up Date:
20 Sep 2012
Display Tank: Display tank specifications.
1500x750x500 OR 5' x 2.5' x 20" in the old terms. 12mm Starfire eurobraced with external Coast to coast (Calfo) and Conventional Bean Animal plumbing arrangement. 3mmm Black acrylic internal with laser cut comb for background.
18" water height to keep it fairly shallow and allow maximum light penetration.
Display Lighting:
By the time its wet i'll have the Choice of ATI 8x54W or ATI PM 10x80W
1540x850x1000h DIY steel stand with 2-pac House of Kolor poly cladding. Sleek and Modern and ultimately functional. Recessed rear top of stand to allow pipework to be installed behind tank.
Open top, dislike the look of hoods generally.
900x600x400 2 section DIY acrylic sump, and a ATO resevoir built in.
Only need a sump to house the skimmer, passive carbon and Zeovit reactor.
Not happening. Zeo reef so no necessity for Refugium.
Support systems:
System Water:
Artificial Salt Water utilising KZ reefers best salt when i can get it.
Otherwise Red Sea Salt (blue bucket) in interims.
Display Water circulation:
Closed Loop Gyre like system

This is an important area and one area I continually underachieve in previous tanks. I have been researching and researching this area in detail and now realise that I really need to improve the flow dynamics in this system. With an increased understanding of the demands of SPS keeping, i aim to be providing my SPS with the correct flow rate and an environment far more condusive for coral health. Should i achieve this then i should maximise the best potential results for my display that I can. Michael Galleri, Rod the Reefer, and Semillion's tanks are huge inspirations for me in this regard.
Some light reading on flow found here:
Return Pump:
To be Decided. Eheim, Red dragon, New Sicce and Tunze Silence pumps are all in contension for this important job.
KZ revolution small skimmer from the old tank. Love this skimmer, its service so far has been exceptional.
Evaporation Top Up:
Auto Top-off via Tunze Osmolator
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition:
Randies Recipe 1 via Kamoer Dosing pump.
Alkilinity Addition:
Randies Recipe 1 via Kamoer Dosing Pump.
Other Chemical Maintenance:
Full Korallen-Zucht Zeovit system, utilising any supplement from that range as may be required.
Undecided on KZ Zeovit reactor S or Vertex ZF-30 zeovit reactor at this stage. Probably KZ to match the skimmer.
Current Water Chemistry:
Will be maintained at close to NSW levels to the best of my ability.