GRMAS Meeting Minutes February 2010


New member
GRMAS February Meeting Minutes: 2-01-10

"¢T-Shirt sign-up: Chad will be ordering t-shirts, they should be here at the next meeting

"¢GRMAS Swap is March 20th- start thinking about what you would like to do to help. There will be sign-up sheets at the next meeting.

"¢Scott and Brian are working on getting a speaker lined up for an event in the future, we will keep you posted as we have more information

"¢Room discussion: The club will be able to use a resource room at the middle school (where the holiday party was held) for next year if the elementary school closes. We will keep you posted as we have more information.

"¢Member tank presentations: Aaron and Brian presented about their tanks. Thanks a bunch for sharing!!

"¢Water testing

"¢Raffle and giveaways

"¢Refractometer calibration sol'n and sand swap will be done at the March meeting.