OMG!!! I just used one at MAX. I want one even more bad than before! The Inland rep. let me cut som rock with it, and it was like cutting butter. The blade manuever's so easily where you want it! I was cutting all different directions making VERY tight turns as if I was cutting out a couple polyps of a zoa/paly colony, and I was very impressed with the results. I just let the blade do all the work and just slowly fed the rock into the blade. Very cool tool! I can't believe I could be so excited about a freaking bandsaw, but I am!
Oh Santa, please just let me win the Inland bandsaw at the next SCRK raffle! I've been a good boy and I swear I'll study hard and do all my chore's. I'll leave you extra milk and cookies on the mantle this year. Thanks! :spin2: :spin1: