Growing sps????


New member
Hi guys, my question is what can I do 4 boost the growth of mi sps corals?,
As I read to feed them is important in order to increase the chain of organisms wich those corals use for eating, and lighting is also too important;
may be u should think that this is the " 10 million question" but I can´t make them grow, as much as I could, mi parameters are:

Sg 1.026
Temp 27 C
Ammonia 0ppm
NO2 0 ppm
NO3 5 ppm
PO4 Undetectable
Ca 400 ppm
Alk 10 dkh
Mg 1300 ppm

Skimmer Deltec apf600
2 hqi 250 w 14000k bulbs

I hope this data be enough, thanks guys.:)
How long has your reef tank been set up? How long have you had the corals that aren't showing much growth? If they were grown from frags, sometimes they go thru a period of slow growth, then they will suddenly take off.
Hey guys, thanks for answering, well, I´ve never heard about the importance of water flow but I´ll do something about it, the tank has one year old and I noticed that corals stopped grow about a month ago, but I haven´t changed anything, what dou you think it´s happening?. thanks .