Growth rates?


New member
Which SPS corals seem to grow more quickly of the SPS? Around how long would it take a frag about 1" to get 3-4"? Just curious, looking for some coral that will fill my tank quick :D Thanks!
The Acropora sp. "Dallas warren" is the fastest growing Acropora I know. A freshly cut frag will completely encrust over the cut section within a week.
id say validas too....

mine grew from the first pic to the second pic in about 8 months



as u can see it went from about 3" across to now at about8" across abd colored up very nicely even better in person the 14K's throw off the color

then millis grow fast too IMO i have a few varieties heres a few frags of a blue milli and the growth on them about 6-7 months later



these have encrusted like crazy!

i would also agree stags and slimers also grow super fast once established
Stags, Slimers, millies, Monti Cap, and digitatas are the fastest growing IMO. The montis probably will grow fastest, but for some reason they have slacked off in my tank lately. I am not due for a water change but I am gonna do one just in case anyway.

