GSP not opening?? im confused, please help


Active member
so i ordered a GSP colony online and ive had it for about 2 weeks. it has never really opened. For a few days a few of the polyps were a little extended but since then it has looked as pictured below. All of my other corals (including an acropora, digitata, zoas, leathers, mushrooms, rics) are open and doing fine.

please note my frags are all in a temporary holding tank because im switching tanks.

Please look at the pictures below and tell me whats wrong with my GSP!

i threw in a pic of my acro which is still coloring up but polyps are all open. please also help me figure out whats on the bottom of the gsp colony.



i think its just mad still...give it some time it will be ok.....these are real hardy...give it good flow too that wont hurt either.......
Light and flow. Not much more to these things. Move them no more than once or twice a month to find the right spot in the tank, probably should wait until your real tank is ready.

thanks guys. so you dont think its in any immediate danger of dying? its condition hasnt really changed in the last couple weeks.
whenever mine has gotten tempermental, i give it a nice turkey baster blast to get any detritus off. seems to help.
Ive seen gsp stay closed for a month then come back open i know when some thing not right i my tank my gsp will close up same with my Xenia
so if the light has not changed and flow is the same...what could be the culprit for a huge GSP colony not opening for almost three weeks. THis is a clients tank I have not tested for more than Nitrate, and Phos
Check AK and CA... before I was on top of this my GSP was dying off. My AK was very low and CA was on the low side. Now that I keep these in check my GSP grows like a weed.
Figured I'd bump this up rather than start a new thread.

Here's mine, took a week to open up half way and now it's been closed for almost two weeks. Haven't moved it yet but any thoughts?

just to give you an idea of how hard it is to kill i switched from a 180 gal to a 90 gal and had lr left over from the move i put it in a rubbermaid container with a lid and water in it there the rock sat for 4 months no light no flow no heat with the water evaporation my salinity was 1.037 pulled the rock to put it in my sump and to my supprise i had a gsp colony on one rock the size of a softball still alive
I wouldn't sweat it. I have 3 different varieties of star polyps that are pretty good size colonies that reside in my 135. There are 5 large size rocks that are covered with it. Seems like there is allways one of the 5 rocks that goes into hiding for about 5-7 days at a time. It's like clock work. Has been doing this for over 2 years. They continue to grow like crazy. I personally believe it is a critter pestering it. When I bought my first gsp rock several years ago it also stayed closed for about 2 weeks and now I have it everywhere. Even with it being so invasive it is still one of my favorite corals.
Lights seem to be the only factor when my GSPs close up. Every once in a while though, algae can build up on them, and for this I just place a hermit crab on the colony :)
Agreed that you can't kill GSP. I covered mine with puddy, blasted it with Pickling Lime, and scrubbed them with a toothbrush and they are still alive.
OP here. its funny that this thread got dug up. all of my original gsp did in fact die, but i bought more yesterday and it is doing much better. the old stuff came in with an order from in which everything died. that whole box must have been cursed.