I had a bad round of RTN in the last year after changing in tank water pumps, and after it cleared up (august) and things started growing well, I dosed Amquel to the display (late night decision), and the next morning all the acros were dead. The LPS were fine. Funny the top half of the tank, gone, the bottom half fine.
Since then, I have changed to LED's (radion gen 3) because what with no acros why not. I have changed the flow even more, replacing the loc line manifold with 2 gyres, again, why not what with no acros. I am also doing automated daily water changes with NSW. I was doing about 5 liters a day, but did some math and upped it to 20 liters a day for a while at least to see if that has any effect on nitrate/phosphate. The system is now connected to my experimental system on the other side of the house, so the volume has gone from approx 250 to 500 gallons. I replaced my DIY CaRx with one of Bill Wann's beauties. I am also dosing vinegar, 50 ml/day currently. In July I cleaned a bunch of detritus out of the pre sump. I have also switched foods - no RN products and am feeding LRS and cyclopeeze, along with various pellets in the auto feeder.
Thinks seems mostly dialed in and the acros seem to be growing quickly again - frags seem to do better than maricultured mini colonies. I got a bunch of frags in September from various people including ReefGen - I love their plugs! - and will be getting some frags from UniqueCorals this week.
After about 5 months of the above, not much has changed water quality wise:
Here are the recent pic and AWT numbers
Date (mm-dd-yyyy) - Source - Test ID:
02-17-2016 - Home Display - 7 of 12 *
Home Display - 7 of 12 *
02-17-2016 Ammonia (NH3-4) Good 0.03 0.000 - 0.050 mg/L
02-17-2016 Nitrite (NO2) Good 0.003 0.000 - 0.100 mg/L
02-17-2016 Phosphate (PO4) High 1.88 0.000 - 0.250 mg/L
02-17-2016 Nitrate (NO3) High 62 0.000 - 25.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Silica (Sio2-3) High 0.8 0.000 - 0.500 mg/L
02-17-2016 Potassium (K) Good 369 350.000 - 450.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Ionic Calcium (Ca) Good 184 100.000 - 400.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Boron (B) NA NA 3.000 - 6.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Molybdenum (Mo) Good 0.2 0.000 - 0.300 mg/L
02-17-2016 Strontium (Sr) Good 8.5 5.000 - 12.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Magnesium (Mg) Good 1400 1100.000 - 1400.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Iodine (I) Good 0.03 0.030 - 0.090 mg/L
02-17-2016 Copper (Cu) Good 0.01 0.000 - 0.100 mg/L
02-17-2016 Alkalinity (meq/L) Good 3.2 2.500 - 5.000 meq/L
02-17-2016 Total Calcium (Ca) Good 380 350.000 - 450.000 mg/L
02-17-2016 Iron (Fe) NA NA 0.000 - 0.010 mg/L